[OPLINLIST] NEO News: Annual Membership Meeting, Value of a Library Card, Being Prepared & Harassment

Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Mon Aug 26 11:58:43 EDT 2019

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NEONews August 26, 2019
Weekly Update

  *   A Note from the Executive Director
  *   It's Almost Labor Day, Register for Fall Classes Today!
  *   You Can Never be Too Prepared
  *   Continuing Education to Print and Share
  *   Very Last Minute Entertainment
  *   Ohio Afterschool Network
  *   What Would You Do?

Continuing Education to Print and Share
Be sure to share CE @ a Glance<https://www.neo-rls.org/docs/0919_NEO-RLS_CE.pdf>  with your staff. More programs coming for December.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to network with colleagues and hear what is happening at OhioNET, OhioLink, OPLIN and the State Library of Ohio.  Start your day with us on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 8:30<https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53282>.
Very Last Minute Entertainment
Two of a Kind  <https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwoofakind.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7Ce4c8f61944ba4c7d8a9708d724bac448%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C1%7C637018256884460628&sdata=yOTw8wNsfXY2ahhDnW5TVnCAvpzCtqQ7YDG7wke10g8%3D&reserved=0> (David & Jenny Heitler-Klevans, PA) will be presenting an evening concert in  Cleveland on Friday Sept 6  but could likely perform elsewhere in NE Ohio shortly prior to or after that.
Their school/library/children/family repertoire includes (but is not limited to) these  themes and topics <https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwoofakind.com%2Fthematic-programs%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjdwyer%40library.ohio.gov%7Ce4c8f61944ba4c7d8a9708d724bac448%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C1%7C637018256884470627&sdata=ZGtZPX6b6CNJiPt%2FuGUjPaqh1b6Tsl4SEZ%2BtPY6yO8s%3D&reserved=0> . They also have an extensive repertoire for adults including original music, folk music, and "decade" music from the 50-80s and beyond. They are quite flexible and can accommodate whatever musical needs you may have.  Contact Two of a Kind if you are interested.

Ohio Afterschool Network
The Ohio Afterschool Network <https://www.ohioafterschoolnetwork.org/?> (OAN) invites libraries to participate in a data mapping project to benefit the out-of-school time field in our state. OAN is creating a searchable data map of all afterschool and summer learning programs in Ohio . This map will be free to use, featured on the OAN website under Find A Program <https://www.ohioafterschoolnetwork.org/resources/find-an-afterschool-or-summer-learning-program/#/action/AdvancedSearch/cid/1161/id/2001> , and used to show stakeholders - parents seeking programs, providers looking for comparative data, legislators and local elected officials who make policies - where programs exist and what they do. It will also be used to show where programs are NOT, which will allow for more focused advocacy.

Here <http://docs.google.com/document/d/12kFaHx8rWiwmCHeefKVoBAegtzH-KuKxHfIWXLgDIrs/edit?usp=sharing> is a press release about the project:  If your library offers structured afterschool or summer learning programming (homework help center, summer camp, regular drop-in programs, etc.), you are encouraged to add your library’s programs to the OAN data map.

To add your program, simply complete this form <http://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScjGvOk2MK46Cm4q56LTVQkfRnQLyjzNjlKvzriuhKcQ6KWXA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1> :

  A couple of the required questions (licensure, funding) may not apply directly. Do the best you can, or contact Laura Clark at laura at oanohio.org<mailto:laura at oanohio.org> to seek clarification.

What Would You Do?
 Diversity and Harassment in the Workplace
Thursday, September 5, 2019 at Twinsburg Public Library<https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53502>

This highly interactive workshop will cover employer and employee responsibilities in an increasingly diverse workforce.  The group discussion-based training will allow participants to explore diversity and harassment from both personal and legal perspectives, including practicing workplace scenarios and interactions with patrons.
 Learning Objectives:

  *   Explore the benefits of a diverse workforce
  *   Understand the legal implications of discrimination and harassment
  *   Appreciate generational diversity
Presenter:  Barbara Baker  is a Commissioner with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) in Independence, Ohio. As a Federal Mediator, she assists parties in collective bargaining negotiations and mediates labor and employment disputes in the private, public and federal sectors.
A Note from the Executive Director
[https://myneotoday.org/photos/35223_01302017091627.jpg]I have been immersed in a lot of strategic planning over the past several months and, as a result, have been involved in a lot of discussions about the value of the library. The fact that it is free is discussed, the fact that it is available to everyone is discussed, and the fact that it often serves a very real social need as a community center is discussed. But, one thing that I have never heard mentioned is something that was brought up in a recent blog post by Erin Mayer. Erin is a 27 year old freelance writer who mentioned in his post that finally getting a library card this year made him less of a picky reader. He used to spend a lot of time researching what he might purchase to read because his resources were limited and he didn’t want to waste his time or money. But, having a library card in hand changed all of that for him. Being able to take a chance on a book borrowed from the public library opened his eyes to all the possibilities awaiting him and made him a much more adventurous reader and a more curious learner. After reading this, I thought about myself and the fact that I have been very limited in my reading selections recently and it is primarily because I have been purchasing books on my Kindle and not using the public library. I know I really shouldn’t confess to this but unfortunately, it is true. However, when I do have the chance to go to the library, I definitely pick up a far broader group of books, try out new authors, and even journey into non-fiction. So maybe we need to remember that part of the value of the public library is that it enables us to be more adventurous and more experimental in our reading and thus,  more interesting as people.

Betsy Lantz
It's Almost Labor Day, Register for Fall Classes Today!

Caring for the Mind [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54030>
But I Saw it On the News<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53173>
What Would You Do? Diversity and Harassment in the Workplace<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53502>
Supervisors' Network Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53441>
How to make Outlook and Calendar work for you! [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54031>
RDA in Practice: Enrichment vs. Original Cataloging [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54032>
Girls Who Code <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53178>
Emergency Preparedness Plan Preparation<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53179>
You Can Be the Expert-Tech Troubleshooting with Confidence 201<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=52976>
Day for Circ Staff: It's All About Myers Briggs and Working as a Team<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=51163>
Fiscal Officers and Human Resources Network Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53673>
Homework Help Centers [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54026>
Boys, Books and Libraries: Making the Connection [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54033>
NEO-RLS Annual Membership Meeting & Appreciation Breakfast<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53282>
Soft Skills for Strong Management: Cultivating Good Critical Thinking<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=51175>
What's New in Storytime: A Youth Services Network Event<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53283>
Brainstorming and Innovation [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54029>
Classroom Management Techniques [Featured Archive]<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54027>
Fast and Affordable Methods for Training Staff on Genealogy <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53391>
Work/Life Balance: Less is More<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53814>
Weeding 101<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53480>
Reducing Friction - Library User Experience on a Budget, Online and In Your Building<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53861>
Academic Library Directors' Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53674>
They're Not Kids Anymore: Adult Learning Basics for Library Program Planners [Featured Archive] <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=54028>
ALICE Training: Active Shooter Response<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53224>
Why SMART Goals <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53353>
It's a Manager/Supervisor's Job to Motivate Staff<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=51176>
Back to the Book XX: Focused on Diversity in Readers' Advisory<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53675>
Branch Manager's Network Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53437>
The Ohio Ethics Law: It's Everybody's Business!<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=53211>
Rescheduled Hosting a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in Your Library<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=52977>

You Can Never be Too Prepared
Join Kevin Echols, Safety Services Manager, Cleveland Heights/University Heights Public Libraries, on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=53179&org_id=NEOL> to discuss emergency preparedness plans .  Kevin's background includes BS in Fire Science & Emergency Management from Kaplan University and a MS in Homeland Security & Emergency Management from Purdue University.

Developing emergency preparedness plans and training staff to respond accordingly to an emergency are growing in importance.  Emergency planning for libraries must grow beyond the protection of the libraries' collection.  The goal of a progressive emergency plan should include the safety of staff, patrons, property, the environment, as well as, the collection.  This session will introduce and reinforce strategies to accomplish these goals.

Learning Objectives:

  *   Fundamentals of emergency planning
  *   Developing emergency training modules for staff
  *   Understanding the importance for sustainable and resilient thinking in the planning
Template 1 - NEONews August 26, 2019

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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236

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