Westlake Porter Public Library is searching for a full time Technical Services Librarian.<br />
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This position is primarily responsible for cataloging and classifying materials using AACRII, MARC, Dewey numbers and LC subject headings. Other duties include ordering materials using the Sirsi acquisitions module, selecting science fiction materials, and serving as a Librarian in Charge as needed.<br />
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To be considered for this position please send a cover letter, resume, and application to:<br />
Westlake Porter Public Library<br />
c/o Andrew Mangels<br />
27333 Center Ridge Rd<br />
Westlake, OH 44145<br />
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or send via email to andrew.mangels@westlakelibrary.org<br />
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The deadline for consideration will be Thursday February 16th, 2012.<br />
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An application for this position can be found at http://www.westlakelibrary.org/?q=node/72<br />
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