<p class="title"><i>Please excuse any cross-postings.</i><br></p><p class="title"><br></p><p class="title">Considering a LibGuides subscription? Heard of the service but aren't sure if it is right for your users? Join us for <strong>The Power of LibGuides: An Introduction,</strong> an overview of this popular software that is not just for academic libraries anymore!</p>
<p class="title">Michael
Johnson, Circulation Librarian at Shawnee State University, will lead
participants through an introduction to the service, <em>including practice time in a software 'sandbox</em>',
that will cover the wide-ranging applications of this flexible
interface: a digital reference service, a clearing-house for distance
learning resources, or a library-wide content management system. </p><p class="title"><br></p><p><strong>Remember - OHIONET workshops are free to premium member libraries!</strong></p><p><strong>When: </strong>Monday, March 26th, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.</p>
<p><strong>Where:</strong> Live, ONLINE</p><p><strong>Cost:</strong> $0 (premium members), $25 (members); $45 (non-members)</p><p>Please see the following link for the full workshop description and to register online:<br>
<a href="http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=76&reset=1">http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=76&reset=1</a></p><br>-- <br>Shelly S. Miller<br>
        Continuing Education Coordinator<br>
        1500 West Lane Avenue</div>
Columbus, OH 43221-3975<br>
        Voice: (614) 484-1063<br>Toll-Free: (800) 686-8975 x37<br>Fax: (614) 486-1527<br><br>
        <a href="mailto:jennifert@ohionet.org" target="_blank">shellym@ohionet.org</a><br>
        <a href="http://www.ohionet.org/" target="_blank">www.ohionet.org</a></div>