<i>Please excuse cross-postings.</i><br><br>A handful of seats remain for the next in OHIONET's on-going Fundamentals of Cataloging series.� We will be covering the special considerations for cataloging integrating resources and serials, including periodicals, such as match points for copy cataloging and dealing with title changes.� Consider joining us for this hands-on, in-person session!� <br>
<br><b>What</b>:� Fundamentals of Cataloging: Continuing Resources<br><b>When</b>:� Monday, Sept. 24th, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM<br><b>Where</b>:� OHIONET, 1500 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, OH� 43221<br><br>Click the following link for more information and registration options: <a href="http://ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=101">http://ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=101</a> <br clear="all">
<b><br>REMEMBER:� Continuing Education events are FREE to employees of Premium OHIONET member institutions.</b><br>-- <br><i>Please stop by and say hello at the <a href="http://www.alaoweb.org/conferences/conf2012" target="_blank">ALAO Conference</a>�on October 26.</i><br>
<br>Shelly S. Miller<br>
Continuing Education Coordinator<br>
1500 West Lane Avenue</div>
Columbus, OH 43221-3975<br>
Voice: (614) 484-1063<br>Toll-Free: (800) 686-8975 x37<br>Fax: (614) 486-1527<br><br>
<a href="mailto:jennifert@ohionet.org" target="_blank">shellym@ohionet.org</a><br>
<a href="http://www.ohionet.org/" target="_blank">www.ohionet.org</a><br></div>