Our Board started requiring background checks about a year ago. When we offer a person a job, it is contingent on a clean background check. They go to the local school administration building (Western Buckyeye in Paulding County) or the sheriff's office. We want the same parameters in the test that the schools use. They are charged $35.00. If the background check comes back clean, and the person is hired, we reimburse them. Hope this helps.<br clear="all">
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</font><div><font size="1">Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.</font></div><font size="1">
</font><div><font size="1">Director/Editor<br>Paulding County Carnegie Library<br>Rural Library Services Newsletter<br>205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879<br>419-399-2032 voice 419-399-2114 fax<br></font><a href="http://www.pauldingcountylibrary.org/" target="_blank"><font size="1">www.pauldingcountylibrary.org</font></a><br>
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