<html><body><div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><p>How many fonts are installed on your computer? A few dozen? A
hundred? With so many choices and so much variety, how should you
choose which to use?</p>
<h2 id="fontsusethebuddysystemtoo">Fonts use the buddy system, too</h2>
<p>A smart and fairly simple way to use fonts is to pair them. Using
just two fonts not only looks nice but can help visually organize a
document. Consistently use one font for headings and a second font for
body text. Readers can intuitively understand how you’re using them (if
you’re consistent). Here are a few things to think about when pairing
fonts.<span><img src="cid:part1.01050905.07080608@swonlibraries.org" alt=""></span></p>
<h2>Elaborate = Large</h2>
Fancy “display” fonts are appealing at large sizes for text like
headlines, but they’re difficult to read at smaller sizes. So only
choose a “display” font like Broadway, French Script, or Modern No. 20
for large text. For smaller text, use a simple, legible font.
<h2 id="chooseforcontrast">Choose for Contrast</h2>
<p>If you’re choosing different fonts for different uses, make sure
people can tell the two apart. You don’t always have to use a fancy
“display” font. Just putting the headline in bold at a larger size is
enough contrast to be helpful. Make sure that the difference is obvious
at a glance, and try to use type sizes consistently.</p>
<h2 id="selectforsimilarity">Select for Similarity</h2>
<p>Font pairs need contrast, but they should also look like they fit
together. When selecting a pair, it can be easiest to put two serif
fonts (their characters have capitals) together or two sans-serif fonts
(no capitals on these) together. Similarity is subjective, it’s true.
Follow your instincts on what fits or doesn’t fit together.<br>
<p>Don’t sweat this. Just by selecting two fonts, you’re helping
as they read. Even in this email, the headings work like bullet points.
Not only does this help your readers; it helps you organize your
thoughts as you write. For more examples, grab a magazine or newspaper.
The same principles apply whether you’re writing in Word, on the web, or
designing with Illustrator or InDesign.</p>
<p>Want to learn more about this and related design tips? <strong>Come
to SWON’s Level-Up Lab on Microsoft Publisher</strong>. In one 2-hour
session, I’ll show you rules of thumb like these, and then we’ll
practice applying them to files <strong>you bring</strong>. Learn more
and sign up here: <a href="http://tiny.cc/level-up-lab" target="_blank">http://tiny.cc/level-up-lab</a><br>
<h2>Picture Book Read-In Updated Date</h2>
<p>The new date is <a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=499" target="_blank"><strong>August
9th</strong></a>. This year's Read-In includes additional Common Core
books and a "Best of 2012" list from our CLEAR book review group. More
information's coming as the summer progresses.<br>
<hr><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Connect to
SWON online: <img src="cid:part2.01020304.03010105@swonlibraries.org">
<a href="http://www.swonlibraries.org/" title="Website" target="_blank">Website</a> : <img src="cid:part3.02080003.01090903@swonlibraries.org">
<a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventcalendar.asp" title="Calendar" target="_blank">Calendar</a>
: <img src="cid:part4.07080409.03020706@swonlibraries.org">
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/SWONLibraries?sk=wall" title="Facebook" target="_blank">Facebook</a>
: <img src="cid:part5.03090506.06000601@swonlibraries.org">
<a href="http://twitter.com/swonlibraries" title="Twitter" target="_blank">Twitter</a><br>
<h3 id="calendarexcerptsfromthenexttwoweeks.clickeventtitlesformoreinformation.">Calendar
excerpts from the next two weeks. Click event titles for more
<li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=516" target="_blank">Overcoming
Your Fears of Being Successful, Part 2</a></strong> - (5/16/2013) -
Online</li><li><strong><a href="http://alaoweb.org/events?eventId=649315" target="_blank">ALAO’s
Materials Center Interest Group</a></strong> - (5/17/2013) - University
of Cincinnati</li><li><strong><a href="http://maysvillectc.wikispaces.com/" target="_blank">“Map Your
Future” AA Highway
Library Conference</a></strong> - (5/17/2013) - Maysville Community and
Technical College</li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=478" target="_blank">Instructional
Librarians SIG Meeting</a></strong> - (5/20/2013) - Cincinnati State</li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=334" target="_blank">Spring
Staff Training Symposium</a></strong> - (5/21/2013) - Dayton Metro
Library</li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=517" target="_blank">Drama-Free
Workplaces, Part 1</a></strong> - (5/21/2013) - Online</li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=518" target="_blank">When
Webinars Attack! Getting from Tedious to Terrific</a></strong> -
(5/23/2013) - Online</li><li><strong>SWON office closed for Memorial Day
- (5/27/2013)</strong></li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=519" target="_blank">Drama-Free
Workplaces, Part 2</a></strong> - (5/14/2013) - Online</li><li><strong><a href="http://oh.evanced.info/swon/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=483" target="_blank">Teen
Services (SIG) Meetings</a></strong> - (5/14/2013) - PLCH Main Branch,
Downtown Cincy</li>
</ul><br><div><br></div><div><span name="x"></span><div><span style="font-size: small;">SWON Libraries - <a href="http://www.swonlibraries.org">http://www.swonlibraries.org</a><a data-mce-href="http://www.swonlibraries.org" href="http://www.swonlibraries.org"></a></span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">10250 Alliance Rd, Suite 225</span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">Blue Ash, OH 45242</span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">phone (513) 751-4422 - fax (513) 751-0463</span></div><span name="x"></span><br></div><br></div></body></html>