<div>Hey all,</div><div>Just wanted to add my 2 cents. I believe the term Senior Citizen says it all. We should not change it. Just because some of us "baby boomers" think it is offensive to be lumped into a category that our own blue-haired grannies were in, does not mean the name should be changed. We are all aging, and the term used is "Senior". I say, get over yourself!! My husband is on the Ohio Commission for the Aging. He is still in denial that he is a "senior", although he enjoys the discounts! <img style="margin: 0px 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" src="cid:330@goomoji.gmail" width="12" height="12" goomoji="330"></div>
<div>Susan<br clear="all"></div><div><div><font size="1">*****************************</font></div><font size="1">
</font><div><font size="1">Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.</font></div><font size="1">
</font><div><font size="1">Director<br>Paulding County Carnegie Library<br>205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879<br>419-399-2032 voice 419-399-2114 fax<br></font><a href="http://www.pauldingcountylibrary.org/" target="_blank"><font size="1">www.pauldingcountylibrary.org</font></a><br>
<font size="1">******************************<br></font></div></div>