<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><font size="3">If your library has been considering joining the 20% of Ohio public libraries that help staff KnowItNow24x7, now is a great time to sign up!<br><br>We are looking for at least two public libraries to help staff our 5:30-8:30pm Thursday evening shifts but are willing to work with you to find a mutually beneficial shift if Thursdays are not a good time for you and your staff.<br><br>Software and training are provided free of charge, and we even have two training sessions coming up in Columbus if staff members are interested in attending: http://provider.knowitnow.org/node/129891<br><br>There are a number of benefits to being a KnowItNow24x7-provider library. A few include:<br><br>For managers and directors:<br></font><font size="3">- Increasing statistics for reference transactions done by your library.</font><br><font size="3">- Reviewing the work of your librarians: Interactions
across the in-person reference desk do not provide a permanent record.
Virtual reference session transcripts provide a real-time record of your
staff's work and are useful for providing kudos, suggesting areas for
professional development, and keeping in personnel files.</font><br><font size="3">- Demonstrating your commitment to regional and statewide resource sharing and collaboration</font><font size="3"></font><p><font size="3"><br></font></p><p></p><font size="3">
</font><p><font size="3">For librarians:</font></p><font size="3">
</font><font size="3">- Honing your reference skills in a variety of subjects: KIN24x7 librarians learn to be quick on their feet and to gain experience in
searching websites and databases in a wide variety of subjects.</font><br><font size="3">- Getting “real” reference questions: KIN24x7
librarians mention that they sometimes get more "real" reference
questions when staffing the collaborative service than they may at the
in-person reference desk.</font><br><font size="3">- Asking for assistance from other librarians on difficult questions:
The KIN24x7 software provides the ability to easily ask other
librarians in the network (through broadcasts and instant messages) for
assistance when a "stumper" question comes up either virtually or at the
reference desk.</font><br><br>If interested in joining the statewide virtual reference service or for more information, please email support@knowitnow.org.<br><br>Thank you!<br><br><div><span name="x"></span>Don Boozer<br>KnowItNow24x7 Coordinator<br>Cleveland Public Library<br>325 Superior Avenue East, Cleveland, OH 44114<br>216-623-2960<br>dboozer@cpl.org<br>http://www.knowitnow.org<span name="x"></span><br></div><br></div></body></html>