<!DOCTYPE html>
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</head><body><div class="io-ox-signature"><p>The Milton-Union Public library is offering up 10 more boxes of DVD security cases (black bottomed Kwik cases pictured below) free to any library that gets statewide delivery or can come pick them up. We are finishing our move to a case-less system and will have more as the security cases are removed. Please reply with your library's delivery number/3-letter code and if you would like more boxes in the future. The cases do lock and require a magnetic key to open, unless the locking mechanism is removed. <br></p><p><img class="ox-e6190bd9a5-ox-9db02a418e-aspect-ratio" style="width: 330px; height: 227px; max-width: 100%;" src="cid:6dc6d33dc89f49828760d7be1e282cc1@Open-Xchange" width="330" height="227"></p><p>Tiana McKay (clerk)<br>Milton-Union Public Library</p><p>560 South Main St</p><p>West Milton, OH 45383<br>937-698-5515</p></div></body></html>