<div dir="ltr">The FCC <a href="https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-announces-application-filing-window-cybersecurity-pilot">just announced</a> that the <b>Cybersecurity Pilot Program</b> application window will <b>open September 17 and close on November 1</b>. More information about that pilot program can be found on the OPLIN website: <a href="https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/cybersecurity_pilot">https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/cybersecurity_pilot</a>. This is a pilot program, with a competitive application process and a cap of $200 million for the program nationwide.<div><br>There is also a state <b><a href="https://cyber.ohio.gov/priorities/assisting-local-government-entities">Cybersecurity Software and Services Grant</a></b> for local government entities through CyberOhio. Jessica shared details about this opportunity already, but it is worthwhile to note that the application period will <b>close on September 16</b>. There is a total of nearly $7 million dedicated to this program for Ohio local government entities, including public libraries.</div><div><br>For a comparison of these programs, please see the OPLIN website: <a href="https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/cybersecurity_funding">https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/cybersecurity_funding</a>.</div><div><br>Questions? As always, you can contact OPLIN: <a href="https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/contact">https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/contact</a>.<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><br></div> Don Yarman (he/him/his)<br> Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network<br> 2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204<br> <a href="mailto:don@oplin.ohio.gov" target="_blank">don@oplin.ohio.gov</a> | 614.728.5250<br></div></div></div></div></div>