[OPLINTECH] Streaming video

millerst@oplin.org millerst at oplin.org
Tue May 10 09:24:09 EDT 2011


A while back, we streamed vid off WindowsServer's streaming media
function.  It went rather well; setup was *fairly* easy... with good
control over speed, scheduling, etc.  However... bandwidth, bandwidth,

The new approach is to load a vid up to YouTube and embed it on our own
"video" page on our site.  Prototype at http://data.acdl.info/acdltv/ -
feedback welcome.

We used a camcorder with Adobe Premier Elements.  Expensive (about $1,000
all told), time-consuming.  Plus-side: it works with pretty much any video
format and Elements can do damned-near anything - on a high-end computer.

I've done some screencast vids using CamStudio, Wax 2.0, Windows Media
Player, with Audacity for audio editing of some background tracks.  Free,
learn-curve, but very do-able.  Downside: must keep an eye of video/audio
formats and techies may have to track down an additional codec or two or
three or four.  A nice audio converter is MMConvert.

Don't ask me how long it took to sort all this out, especially all the
freeware trials.

Hope this helps.  I'm looking forward to seeing solutions that others
post.  Cheap, Fast, Good would be wonderful. LOL


Steve Miller, Technology Coordinator
Ashtabula County District Library
335 West 44th Street - Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
(440) 997-9341 x239
** Personal opinions are my own.  If this email is read by the unintended
recipient, feel free to LOLZ at me and move on with your day. Spammers
have their own level of Hell. Every day is Caturday.

> Our Training Department would like to start streaming video of a monthly
> program that they put on here at the library.  What type of hardware,
> software and services would I be looking at to get this to happen?

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