[OPLINTECH] laptops

Rachelle Miller rmiller at tmcpl.org
Wed May 6 10:02:10 EDT 2015

Okay, a little follow up…. We don’t use Dell—I just used it as an example since this is a tech listserv. Here are some other examples like Amazon and Staples etc. There are also price trackers online if you can wait to purchase—suggestions from CNET <http://www.cnet.com/news/20-tools-for-price-watching-and-protecting/> .


Time Magazine <http://time.com/money/3534651/price-discrimination-travelocity-orbitz-home-depot/> 

“A new study by researchers at Northeastern University confirmed the extent to which major e-commerce websites show some users different prices and a different set of results, even for identical searches.”


Forbes <http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/12/25/why-does-online-pricing-discriminate/> 

“A Wall Street Journal investigation found that the Staples Inc. website displays different prices to people after estimating their locations. More than that, Staples appeared to consider the person’s distance from a rival brick-and-mortar store, either OfficeMax Inc. or Office Depot Inc. If rival stores were within 20 miles or so, Staples.com usually showed a discounted price.”



Rachelle Miller, Director


Troy-Miami County Public Library

419 W. Main St.

Troy, OH 45373

937 339-0502 x 116 

rmiller at tmcpl.org <mailto:rmiller at tmcpl.org>  | troypubliclibrary.org 

Troy-Miami County Public Library seeks to maintain and improve the quality of life for all residents by providing resources that enhance and contribute to individual knowledge and enjoyment. The library provides access to information and collections that reflect all points of view.



From: oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org [mailto:oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Rachelle Miller
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 9:33 AM
To: Tim Burns; oplintech at lists.oplin.org
Subject: Re: [OPLINTECH] laptops


In case you didn’t know this….

Just beware of price discrimination—identical or like goods are given different prices based on markets or territories. You will get different prices based on your IP address, your business etc. It even helps to clear your cache so you are potentially seen as a “new” customer and given a lower price. The commercial and consumer models may actually be the same thing. Here are a few articles about it.


From CNN <http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/06/24/ramasastry.website.prices/> :

“Another report indicated that Dell Computer has offered the same model laptop at different prices to different customers: small businesses, health care companies, and state and local businesses were offered different deals.”


Price Discrimination <http://www.mcafee.cc/Papers/PDF/ABAPriceDiscrimination.pdf>  (from 2008)

The Web site of computer manufacturer Dell asks prospective buyers to declare whether they are a home user, small business, large business or government entity. Two years ago, the price of a 512 MB memory module, part number A0193405, depended on which business segment one declared. At that time, Dell quoted $289.99 for a large business, $266.21 for a government agency, $275.49 for a home, and $246.49 for a

small business.


Rachelle Miller, Director


Troy-Miami County Public Library

419 W. Main St.

Troy, OH 45373

937 339-0502 x 116 

rmiller at tmcpl.org <mailto:rmiller at tmcpl.org>  | troypubliclibrary.org 

Troy-Miami County Public Library seeks to maintain and improve the quality of life for all residents by providing resources that enhance and contribute to individual knowledge and enjoyment. The library provides access to information and collections that reflect all points of view.



From: oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org [mailto:oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Tim Burns
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 9:11 AM
To: oplintech at lists.oplin.org
Subject: [OPLINTECH] laptops



We're getting ready to order some admin staff laptops and was wondering everyone's opinion on comsumer vs. commercial grade laptops. 


Is the business commercial grade laptops worth the extra money to get them for a small library system? Comments and thoughts much appreciated.


Fred Miller Jr




Anymore I try to determine what users are doing. When it made sense to provide my kids laptops for school (somewhere during early HS  years) I bought them (on eBay) Apple MacBooks.  The software/hardware integration with project-oriented learning made this an easy choice. No real concern about “gaming” or sharing software— these were meant to be tools. The MacBooks would not die, and lasted 6-8 years through HS and college. Unfortunately for them, now they are old enough and resourceful enough to replace the machines on their own dime. 


That being said, I don’t know that I would do this the same way today. Given that they were locked in to technology that was eventually 10+ years old, and still working flawlessly, they miss out on whatever developments occur. Instead of say, $600 spent once, I might consider <$200 outlay for a Chromebook … which I consider disposable, and plan to replace it every 2.5-3 years. The ChromeOS is reasonable mature, the experience is meant to be cloud-based, and it integrates with other technology well. (ie. Android Phone). 


It looks like tech companies (Google, MS, Apple) are trading software for data now, so the cost of software upgrades has gone away… well, I suppose that’s true if your data is worthless :)  So as long as your hardware will support it— you can have the latest greatest for a while.





Tim Burns, Technologist

Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County Ohio 

Department of Nuts and Bots

tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us

telephone: (419) 334-7101 extension: 239



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