[OPLINTECH] Wireless Tracking Responses

Jessica D. Dooley dooleyje at adamscolibrary.org
Mon Mar 14 13:41:57 EDT 2016

Hi Angela,


I’m curious who responded that they’re using Ubiquiti products with cucumberwifi firmware – I have a question about Ubiquiti APs. That response is above my name, but it wasn’t me; I use a Juniper WLC100 and WLA532 APs, and pull DHCP logs from my pfSense box with a script to determine usage.




Jessica D. Dooley

IT Specialist

Adams County Public Library


dooleyje at adamscolibrary.org


From: Angela Karen [mailto:akaren at seolibraries.org] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 1:37 PM
To: OPLINTECH (OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org)
Subject: [OPLINTECH] Wireless Tracking Responses


These are the responses that I received regarding Tracking Wireless Users. Thank you for all the great suggestions.

At Licking County Library, Granville Public Library, and soon Perry County District Library, we have put in Cisco Meraki access points which are ERate eligible under category 2. These provide reports monthly that are emailed automatically to you that show number of users, what kind of devices, and what the users are doing on your network. They are using these reports to help build programs around the patron’s interests and devices. I can setup a demo or answer any question you may have.


David Lynch
Senior Engineer
Sophisticated Systems
MSP Provider for Licking County Library


We just received the following e-mail this morning.  I have not had time to really look at it. ---------

Are your libraries having trouble calculating the wireless session count information for your library annual report, or would you like to be able to see all of your libraries numbers in one place?  If this is an issue please pass my information along to the correct person in your organization to speak with about our solution.  They can also visit our website www.whoisonmywifi.com/library to learn more.  I appreciate your help and hope you have a wonderful day.


Luke Buikema
Co-Founder, Who's On My WiFi
704 West Sheridan
Oklahoma City, OK 73102


Here are some links from the past two years or so regarding conversations on this topic on OPLINTECH:



In reply to Angela at Saint Marys, we use Cassie and Spot software from Librarica for tracking Wifi usage at our 7 branches:


I would be happy to send you more info if you are interested.

Thank you,

Mike Pope


We use Meraki wireless LAN and it tracks it for us. We just have it set up to send a report at the end of each month. https://meraki.cisco.com/products/wireless#models

Andrea B. Adkins
Adult Services Manager
Washington County Public Library
615 Fifth Street
Marietta, OH 45750
740-373-1057 x606


We are using Ubiquiti Networks Wireless AP's, there's a server side software that logs wireless usage.

In conjunction with the Ubiquiti Wireless AP's, they can be reflashed with a different firmware from https://cucumberwifi.io/ that has more in-depth information and you can manage your AP's from the cloud.

I pull a log the wifi interface’s DHCP server per unit of time (month), and use a text editor to count the number of DHCP leases that were issued. This gives me the number of times any device connected to the wireless, of course, not unique users per day. I’m very comfortable using that number.


Jessica D. Dooley
IT Specialist
Adams County Public Library
dooleyje at adamscolibrary.org


Thank you,

Angela Karen, Technology Specialist
Saint Marys Community Public Library
140 South Chestnut St
Saint Marys, OH  45885
Phone: 419-394-7471 

Email:  <mailto:akaren at seolibraries.org> akaren at seolibraries.org 

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