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            <th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Subject:
            <td>Briggs Lawrence County Director Position Announcement</td>
            <th valign="BASELINE" nowrap="nowrap" align="RIGHT">Date: </th>
            <td>Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:31:38 -0400 (EDT)</td>
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            <td>Southeast Regional Library System
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                                                          Director Job
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                                                          Public Library
                                                          seeks a new
                                                          Director to
                                                          upon the
                                                          retirement of
                                                          the current
                                                          Director. Working
                                                          in conjunction
                                                          with the
                                                          Officer, the
                                                          director oversees the
                                                          strategic and
                                                          applicants are
                                                          invited to
                                                          submit the
                                                          following: </span></div>
                                                          Cover letter</span></div>
                                                          Resume </span></div>
                                                          should be
                                                          in PDF format
                                                          to the
                                                          address: </span><a
href="mailto:dirserls@gmail.com" rel="noopener noreferrer"
style="font-size: 19px; color: #0000FF; font-weight: normal; font-style:
style="font-size: 19px;"> or mailed to Southeast Regional Library System
                                                          Attn.: Jay
                                                          Burton, 252 W
style="font-size: 19px; line-height: 0; mso-text-raise: 30%;">th</sup><span
style="font-size: 19px;"> Street, Wellston, Ohio 45692</span>
                                                          will begin
                                                          and continue
                                                          September 11,
                                                          2020. This is
                                                          a full-time
                                                          position. </span></div>
                                                          $55,000 -
                                                          depending upon
qualifications. </span></div>
                                                          benefit costs
                                                          vacation, sick
                                                          time and
                                                          personal days.
                                                          membership in
                                                          19px;">Set in
                                                          the rolling
                                                          green hills of
                                                          Ohio, the
                                                          library has
                                                          locations in
                                                          Ironton, South
                                                          and Symmes
                                                          Valley . </span></div>
                                                          County has a
                                                          rich history
                                                          and active
                                                          and the public
                                                          embraces its
                                                          role of
                                                          serving all
                                                          residents) at
                                                          all stages of
                                                          life. </span></div>
style="font-size: 16px;">.THE BRIGGS LAWRENCE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY </span></div>
style="font-size: 16px;">JOB DESCRIPTION</span></div>
style="font-size: 16px;">Director</span></div>
                                                          Degree in a
                                                          field that
                                                          lends itself
                                                          of a public
                                                          Management or
                                                          or Master’s
                                                          Degree in
                                                          of other
                                                          experience in
                                                          public agency
                                                          a minimum of
                                                          five (5) years
                                                          willingness to
                                                          work a varied
                                                          which may
                                                          weekends and
                                                          a valid
                                                          access to a
                                                          car, and
                                                          willingness to
                                                          travel on
                                                          Skills and
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Ability to
                                                          manage a
                                                          county agency.</span></div>
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          experience in
                                                          a bargaining
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Knowledge of
                                                          library public
                                                          relations and
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Ability to
                                                          establish and
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Management and
                                                          conducive to
                                                          long range
                                                          planning, goal
                                                          setting and
                                                          deadlines. </span></div>
                                                          Ability to
                                                          lead and
                                                          studies and
                                                          feasibility of
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Ability to
                                                          prepare and
                                                          manage budgets
                                                          and public
                                                          finances. </span></div>
                                                          Ability to
                                                          both orally
                                                          and in
                                                          writing. </span></div>
                                                          Ability to
                                                          establish and
                                                          with library
                                                          staff members,
                                                          patrons, and
                                                          local, state
                                                          and federal
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Ability to
                                                          coach other
                                                          members of the
                                                          team in areas
                                                          of employee
                                                          discipline and
                                                          working in a
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Requires an
                                                          of computers
                                                          and Internet
                                                          systems. </span></div>
                                                          To the Board</span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Acts
                                                          as the Chief
                                                          Officer for
                                                          the Library
                                                          System. </span></div>
                                                          policies and
                                                          advises the
                                                          Board on
                                                          staffing and
                                                          matters. </span></div>
                                                          Develops plans
                                                          for new
                                                          oversees new
                                                          and renovation
                                                          projects, and
                                                          works with
                                                          to ensure
                                                          with codes,
                                                          and contracts.
                                                          Carries out
                                                          the directives
                                                          and policies
                                                          of the Board
                                                          with little
                                                          from Board
                                                          members. </span></div>
                                                          Provides data
                                                          information on
                                                          that need
                                                          and submits
                                                          reports as
                                                          needed on the
                                                          progress of
                                                          activities. </span></div>
                                                          Assists in the
                                                          and education
                                                          of Board
                                                          Members and
                                                          of all Board
                                                          16px;">• In
                                                          with the
                                                          develops short
                                                          term and
                                                          plans for the
                                                          Library. </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Acts
                                                          as the
                                                          of the Board,
                                                          and assists
                                                          Board legal
                                                          counsel as
                                                          required, in
                                                          hearings and
                                                          other legal
                                                          matters and
                                                          Informs the
                                                          Board of
                                                          hearings and
                                                          actions for
                                                          of the Board.</span></div>
                                                          Informs the
                                                          Board of
                                                          vacancies or
                                                          the need for
                                                          new positions,
                                                          prepares and
                                                          revises job
                                                          interviews and
                                                          for hiring for
                                                          by the Board.</span></div>
                                                          wages and
                                                          according to
                                                          established by
                                                          Board. Negotiates
                                                          benefit plans
                                                          and makes
                                                          on benefit
                                                          plans to the
                                                          Board and to
                                                          the Clerk
                                                          Treasurer </span></div>
style="font-size: 9px; font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times,
                                                          serif;">  </span><span
style="font-size: 16px;">Working in collaboration with the Clerk
                                                          develops and
                                                          annual budgets
                                                          and assists in
                                                          constraints. </span>
                                                          To the Library
                                                          Patrons </span></div>
                                                          Assures that
                                                          the library
                                                          provides the
                                                          collection of
                                                          which meets
                                                          the needs of
                                                          the public
                                                          within the
                                                          available. </span></div>
                                                          Assures that
                                                          the library
                                                          staff is
                                                          responsive to
                                                          the patrons
                                                          and deals with
                                                          them in a
                                                          pleasant and
                                                          manner. </span></div>
                                                          Assures that
                                                          the library
                                                          environment is
                                                          pleasant and
                                                          the services
                                                          and facilities
                                                          are easy to
                                                          use and meets
                                                          the patron’s
                                                          Assures that
                                                          the Library’s
                                                          branches are
                                                          open and
                                                          staffed to
                                                          serve the
                                                          public on the
                                                          days and hours
                                                          given for
                                                          natural or
                                                          disasters. </span></div>
                                                          To the Library
                                                          Staff </span></div>
                                                          levels and
                                                          recommends the
                                                          hiring of the
                                                          necessary to
                                                          meet those
                                                          needs. </span></div>
                                                          with the
                                                          unit. </span></div>
                                                          Assures that
                                                          personnel are
                                                          trained and
                                                          development </span></div>
                                                          Establishes an
                                                          which assures
                                                          and delegation
                                                          of work and
                                                          Assures there
                                                          is a fair and
                                                          process for
                                                          counseling and
                                                          actions and
                                                          that proper
                                                          record are
                                                          Assures that
                                                          wages and
                                                          benefits are
                                                          in accord with
                                                          established by
                                                          the Board. </span></div>
                                                          leadership and
                                                          represents the
                                                          staff and
                                                          staff concerns
                                                          to the Board.
                                                          For the
                                                          Facilities </span></div>
                                                          with building
                                                          and suppliers
                                                          to assure that
                                                          the library
                                                          efficient and
                                                          services. </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Works
                                                          management and
                                                          staff in all
                                                          buildings to
                                                          assure that
                                                          the physical
                                                          grounds and
                                                          equipment are
                                                          updated and
                                                          safe for use.
                                                          contracts with
                                                          vendors for
                                                          subject to
                                                          Evaluates and
                                                          develops plans
                                                          for achieving
                                                          the effective
                                                          allocation and
                                                          utilization of
                                                          building space
                                                          to meet the
                                                          changing needs
                                                          of the
                                                          library. </span></div>
                                                          Ensures that
                                                          contracts for
                                                          insurance are
                                                          sufficient and
                                                          up to date. </span></div>
                                                          bold;">For the
                                                          Collection and
                                                          to the
                                                          Librarians and
                                                          Managers the
                                                          the Library’s
                                                          collection of
                                                          materials that
                                                          is consistent
                                                          with the
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Local, state
                                                          and federal
                                                          Within the
                                                          guidelines of
                                                          any particular
                                                          requirements </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Board
                                                          Policy and
                                                          with the
                                                          Librarians and
                                                          Managers to
                                                          assure that
                                                          the materials
                                                          selected: </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Meet
                                                          the needs of
                                                          the patrons
                                                          and represent
                                                          a judicious
                                                          expenditure of
                                                          16px;"> • Are
                                                          cataloged and
                                                          shelved and
                                                          available to
                                                          patrons </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Are
                                                          through an
                                                          effective and
                                                          program to use
                                                          the shelf
                                                          capacity of
                                                          the library in
                                                          the most
                                                          Promote the
                                                          of automation
                                                          and new
                                                          in library
                                                          processes and
                                                          new formats of
style="font-size: 9px; font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times,
                                                          serif;">  </span><span
style="font-size: 16px;">Delegates to the librarians and branch managers
                                                          library’s programs
                                                          to the public,
                                                          programs to
                                                          young adults
                                                          and children,</span>
                                                          Provide the
                                                          for community
                                                          in Library
                                                          within the
                                                          framework of
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          visits to the
                                                          Library from
                                                          users for
                                                          activities and
                                                          16px;"> </span></div>
                                                          bold;">For the
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          contacts with
                                                          county, city
                                                          and school
                                                          officials to
                                                          assure that
                                                          maintained. </span></div>
                                                          16px;">• Works
                                                          managers and
                                                          other staff to
                                                          keep the
                                                          informed about
                                                          services and
                                                          through the
                                                          use of
                                                          in-house web
                                                          resources, social
                                                          media and
                                                          flyers and
                                                          through the
                                                          local media
                                                          such as
                                                          radio and
                                                          possible. </span></div>
                                                          Assures that
                                                          are maintained
                                                          with the
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Assures that
                                                          the Library
                                                          16px;"> • Acts
                                                          as the Library
                                                          to SERLS, the
                                                          State Library
                                                          of Ohio, the
                                                          Ohio Library
                                                          Council and to
                                                          with other
                                                          libraries or
                                                          16px;"> •
                                                          Represents the
                                                          in local
                                                          such as the
                                                          Chamber of
                                                          Commerce. </span></div>
                                                          Other Duties
                                                          as Required or
                                                          Necessary. </span></div>
                                                          position is
                                                          dynamic by
                                                          for the
                                                          efficiency and
                                                          of all
                                                          operations of
                                                          the Library
                                                          System, as
                                                          such are
                                                          approved and
                                                          set forth by
                                                          the Board of
                                                          Trustees and
                                                          the State of
                                                          CLASSIFICATION:            Contract</span></div>
BY:        Board of Trustees</span></div>
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