[Digihubsadmin] Ready for our next meeting/conference call?

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Fri Aug 29 10:05:03 EDT 2014

yeah, both 9/12 & 9/24 could be too much.

Let me throw one more piece of information into the pot. The folks who are invited so far (the members of the digihubsadmin list) are:
Angela O, Chatham, Jeff, Mandy, Meg, Missy, Paula, and me.

Stephen Hedges, Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Meg Delaney" <Meg.Delaney at TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG>
> To: "Stephen Hedges" <hedgesst at oplin.org>, "digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)"
> <digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:58:19 AM
> Subject: RE: Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> On the Toledo side, Marilyn and I meet each Thursday at 11 to keep momentum
> and communication on the Digihubs project moving forward.
> Yesterday, we wondered if having the conversation on the topics below (and
> any others you'd like to add) would inform the group that is already meeting
> on 9/24.
> Is it asking too much for those folks to attend both 9/12 & 9/24?
> Of course all are welcome - just giving you the background.
> Meg.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Stephen Hedges
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:55 AM
> To: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
> Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> Sounds like it's time to open the invitation to everybody?? yes?
> Stephen
> --
> Stephen Hedges, Director
> Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Meg Delaney" <Meg.Delaney at TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG>
> > To: "Angela Oneal" <aoneal at columbuslibrary.org>, "digihubsadmin
> > (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)"
> > <digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org>
> > Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:46:25 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> >
> > Angela, conferencing in shouldn't be a problem at all.
> > Let's hear how many can attend & I'll figure out the room/phone number.
> > Thanks, Meg
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> > [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Angela
> > Oneal
> > Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 9:14 AM
> > To: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
> > Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> >
> > I like the idea of getting together in-person. Unfortunately, I have a
> > meeting the morning of Sep. 12th that cannot be rescheduled. Could I
> > conference in?
> >
> > Angela
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> > [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Stephen
> > Hedges
> > Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 8:34 AM
> > To: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
> > Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> >
> > Let me suggest...
> >
> > ...that we accept Meg's invitation to Toledo on September 12, and open
> > it up to the entire digihubs list.
> >
> > It seems like several of the items in her list might best be discussed
> > by the entire group (metadata, preservation, Tech Committee progress).
> > A couple of things are of more interest to the Oversight Committee
> > (marketing, prioritization), but it wouldn't hurt to talk about them
> > with everyone present.
> >
> > The discussion of the Hubs and Spokes program might best be done on a
> > conference call of just the presenters, perhaps sometime after 9/12.
> >
> > What do you all think?
> >
> > Stephen
> > --
> > Stephen Hedges, Director
> > Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> > 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> > 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Meg Delaney" <Meg.Delaney at TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG>
> > > To: "Stephen Hedges" <hedgesst at oplin.org>, "digihubsadmin
> > > (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)"
> > > <digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org>
> > > Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 2:13:27 PM
> > > Subject: Ready for our next meeting/conference call?
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > > There are a lot of moving pieces to our hub project and I wonder if
> > > it's time for a meeting/site visit.
> > > Combing through notes, here are some topics:
> > > - Finalizing metadata points (agreeing on core fields)
> > > - Cohesive marketing pieces (let's not have each Hub's marketing
> > > dept re-invent the wheel...)
> > > - State-wide long term digital preservation
> > > - Share a list of our prioritized projects (internal and external)
> > > - Checking in on the Technical Committee: how is their work going?
> > > - Hubs and Spokes OLC program in October
> > >
> > > Other topics you would add? Any of these that you feel are resolved
> > > and I just need to re-read my notes ;)
> > >
> > > Any chance of meeting/talking during the week of Sept. 8? I'd
> > > welcome you in Toledo if you want to tour our digitization lab.
> > > Right now Friday 9/12 is wide open.
> > >
> > > Thanks, Meg.
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Chatham Ewing [mailto:chatham.ewing at cpl.org]
> > > Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 10:49 AM
> > > To: Delaney, Meg; Stephen Hedges
> > > Cc: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org); John Skrtic
> > > Subject: RE: some possibilities(?)
> > >
> > > It's a larger discussion, yes.
> > > But before we broaden discussion, do we need to decide if this group
> > > thinks this is something worth doing?
> > > Perhaps there is some other project that has a better chance for
> > > getting funded?
> > > ________________________________________
> > > From: Delaney, Meg <Meg.Delaney at TOLEDOLIBRARY.ORG>
> > > Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 10:44 AM
> > > To: Stephen Hedges; Chatham Ewing
> > > Cc: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org); John Skrtic
> > > Subject: RE: some possibilities(?)
> > >
> > > I agree, it's a larger conversation.
> > > Thanks, Meg.
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> > > [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Stephen
> > > Hedges
> > > Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 10:42 AM
> > > To: Chatham Ewing
> > > Cc: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org); John Skrtic
> > > Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] some possibilities(?)
> > >
> > > There's so much in this response, I wonder if we shouldn't open this
> > > thread up to the whole digihubs list. The only people currently on
> > > the digihubsadmin list are Chatham, Angela (O'Neal), Paula, Meg,
> > > Jeff, Missy, Mandy, and me, but much of Chatham's response touches
> > > on technical issues.
> > >
> > > Stephen
> > > --
> > > Stephen Hedges, Director
> > > Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> > > 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> > > 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "Chatham Ewing" <chatham.ewing at cpl.org>
> > > > To: "Missy Lodge" <MLODGE at library.ohio.gov>, hedgesst at oplin.org,
> > > > "digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)"
> > > > <digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org>
> > > > Cc: "John Skrtic" <john.skrtic at cpl.org>
> > > > Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 9:47:15 AM
> > > > Subject: RE: some possibilities(?)
> > > >
> > > > Stephen,
> > > >
> > > > If state-wide long-term digital preservation is something we think
> > > > all think we need,  first we'd need to select a set of tools to
> > > > begin and then we'd need to plan and administer it. A grant might
> > > > help us do that, and if it was in-scope, I'd be glad to
> > > > collaborate with hub libraries and Kent to make it happen.  And
> > > > this kind of discussion should allow us to better clarify the
> > > > kinds of metadata that we'd like to see captured with digital
> > > > masters so that we can have a legitimate chance at doing digital
> > > > preservation rather than keeping and verifying bits.
> > > >
> > > > At least for myself, digital preservation as it covers costs for
> > > > ongoing staffing and technology is a big concern. I have limited
> > > > resources in the way of programming cycles, and I barely have an
> > > > administrative budget for such a thing. And ongoing equipment
> > > > costs will be significant, and I'm concerned even though everyone
> > > > assures me that the costs of digital storage are coming down. Low
> > > > costs for large volume can still be a big number. And I worry
> > > > about it even as Google and Microsoft seem able to offer more and
> > > > more free storage space as part of e-mail accounts. And we all
> > > > know the issue isn't just an issue of space, but also an issue of
> > > > materials management, refresh, migration and etc.
> > > >
> > > >  And there are some workable models out there to which a program
> > > > might  refer.
> > > >  So, there are bit level coop models like MetaArchive or ADPnet
> > > > (http://www.metaarchive.org/public/resources/presentations/2010PLN_presentations/Trehub_ADPNet_Organizational.pdf).
> > > >  These use older tools like LOCKSS and would not represent an
> > > > innovation on  existing practice, but might work while we figure
> > > > out a more robust  solution. There are also  higher cost
> > > > non-profit vendors like OCLC,  Duraspace, or the San Diego
> > > > Supercomputing Center. And we have the numerous  for-profit
> > > > options emerging from all over including companies like Iron
> > > > Mountain. Even equipment manufactures like Seagate are getting
> > > > into the  business of cloud storage. Finally there are numerous
> > > > projects that use  DSpace out of MIT. Then there are projects that
> > > > always require programming  cycles to stand-up, and these usually
> > > > involve some combination of Hydra, Fedora, and Blacklight.
> > > >
> > > > As I see it, what I need/want at this time would for a state-wide
> > > > cooperative to put in place a shared digital preservation system.
> > > > I would  want to look to the literature to see if someone else has
> > > > done a usable breakdown of features and costs using tools like
> > > > OAIS and projects like PREMIS to benchmark a hard-nosed gap
> > > > analysis of solutions for setting up digital preservation systems.
> > > > If not, I'd like to see such an analysis in a proposal to set-up a
> > > > state-wide system for Ohio that could ride herd on the problem of
> > > > long-term digital preservation (and access) for the digital
> > > > masters of all of the digital surrogates I will be producing.
> > > >
> > > > C/
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Chatham Ewing
> > > > Digital Library Strategist
> > > > Cleveland Public Library
> > > > 325 Superior Ave., N.E.
> > > > Cleveland, OH 44114
> > > > 216.213.3962 (mobile)
> > > > chatham.ewing at cpl.org
> > > > http://www.cpl.org> > > >
> > > > ________________________________________
> > > > From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> > > > <digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org> on behalf of Lodge, Missy
> > > > <MLODGE at library.ohio.gov>
> > > > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:25 PM
> > > > To: hedgesst at oplin.org; digihubsadmin   (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
> > > > Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] some possibilities(?)
> > > >
> > > > I personally think it would be well worth all of our time to
> > > > pursue this opportunity.  Many years ago (and Kim Fender  may be
> > > > the only one who remembers this) there was a core group who talked
> > > > about going for a NLG Digitization Grant.  Unfortunately, the
> > > > State Library is very limited on the amount of match that we can
> > > > provide but I (as well as several of us here) are used to being 5%
> > > > on paper and 50% in real-time!  Katy Klettlinger, the new LPD
> > > > consultant has extensive digitization experience and would have
> > > > some great ideas and concepts if we move forward.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Missy Lodge
> > > > Associate State Librarian for Library Development
> > > > 274 E. 1st Avenue
> > > > Columbus, OH 43201
> > > > Tel: 614-644-6914
> > > > Fax: 614-466-3584
> > > > library.ohio.gov
> > > >
> > > > Share Your Story by telling us how a State Library service or
> > > > resource helped you or your library.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org
> > > > [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of
> > > > Stephen Hedges
> > > > Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:14 PM
> > > > To: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
> > > > Subject: [Digihubsadmin] some possibilities(?)
> > > >
> > > > Yesterday, the IMLS released a Notice of Funding Opportunity for
> > > > their
> > > > FY2015 National Leadership Grants for Libraries,
> > > > http://www.imls.gov/notice_of_funding_opportunity_fy2015_national_
> > > > le
> > > > ad
> > > > ership_grants_for_libraries.aspx
> > > >
> > > > From the notes of the IMLS "National digital platform" meeting
> > > > (http://www.imls.gov/assets/1/AssetManager/IMLSFocusNotes_NYC.pdf)
> > > > , I suspect that some of these grants will go toward expanding the
> > > > DPLA hubs.
> > > > Are there costs involved for the Digitization Hubs that might be
> > > > covered by one of these grants?
> > > >
> > > > I also had a meeting yesterday with Jeff Fruit and Nancy
> > > > Lensenmayer from the KSU SLIS during which we talked a bit about
> > > > the Digitization Hubs. I noted that this project does not really
> > > > address digital preservation, but I have sensed some interest in
> > > > more formally pursuing preservation; they were interested in a
> > > > possible partnership if that happens, perhaps even within the
> > > > context of a grant. (If I'm interpreting my notes from the 7/22
> > > > OhioDIG meeting correctly, Meghan Frazer from OhioLINK also
> > > > mentioned digital preservation as one of their interests.)
> > > >
> > > > I'll be the first to admit that almost all of this stuff is over
> > > > my head, but I wanted to share these possibilities, for what they
> > > > might be worth.
> > > >
> > > > Stephen
> > > > --
> > > > Stephen Hedges, Director
> > > > Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> > > > 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> > > > 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > > > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > > > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> > > >
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > > > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > > > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> > > > NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with
> > > > it are intended solely for the use of the addressees and may
> > > > contain legally privileged, protected or confidential information.
> > > > If you have received this message in error, and/or you are not the
> > > > intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by e-mail
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> > > > Any unauthorized use, reproduction, forwarding, distribution, or
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> > > > Any unauthorized use, reproduction, forwarding, distribution, or
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> > > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> > > NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it
> > > are intended solely for the use of the addressees and may contain
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> > > Any unauthorized use, reproduction, forwarding, distribution, or
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> > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> > _______________________________________________
> > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> > _______________________________________________
> > Digihubsadmin mailing list
> > Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> > http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Digihubsadmin mailing list
> Digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org
> http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/digihubsadmin

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