[Digihubsadmin] Photos for OLC presentation next week

Chatham Ewing chatham.ewing at cpl.org
Fri Oct 3 10:39:03 EDT 2014

Hi Paula,

Thanks for the reply -- yes Toledo involvement is wanted. Would that be Jill, Jeff, or Gayle?


Chatham Ewing
Digital Library Strategist
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Ave., N.E.
Cleveland, OH 44114
216.213.3962 (mobile)
chatham.ewing at cpl.org
http://www.cpl.org  ?
From: Brehm-Heeger, Paula <Paula.Brehm-Heeger at cincinnatilibrary.org>
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 10:02 AM
To: Chatham Ewing; digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
Subject: RE: Photos for OLC presentation next week

Wouldn't someone from Toledo need to be a speaker?  Right now you have 2 Cincy folks but no Toledo.

We would need to receive specific approval before moving forward with any proposals.  Let us know about the Toledo involvement and then I will talk with Katrina about her interest.  Again, we cannot commit to anything until we have followed our internal approval procedures  - at this point we have no approval so can't be involved until that is obtained.


From: digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org [mailto:digihubsadmin-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Chatham Ewing
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 4:08 PM
To: digihubsadmin (digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org)
Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] Photos for OLC presentation next week


Attached is a proposal form *draft* to submit to SAA by the Oct. 8th deadline. Sorry for being up against the wire, but at least it's most of the way there.

First of all, do we still want to make a proposal? Second, have a look at my summary -- is it amenable? Note that I've put the usual suspects on the proposal.

Third, if we do this I need to have a 75 word bio and know whether you are an SAA member. If we're going to do this submission, can you send those bios and membership confirmation to me as an e-mail so that I can complete the form and submit by the 8th?


Chatham Ewing
Digital Library Strategist
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Ave., N.E.
Cleveland, OH 44114
216.213.3962 (mobile)
chatham.ewing at cpl.org<mailto:chatham.ewing at cpl.org>
http://www.cpl.org  ?
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