[NORTHSTAR] Wrapping Up 2021 with Northstar

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Dec 21 09:28:47 EST 2021


I hope that you and yours are doing well.

We are wrapping up the last of the Northstar training sessions this week.
If there are any sessions that you want to review, all of the recordings
are available on the OPLIN YouTube channel:

Slides are available on the main Northstar information page on the OPLIN
website, including slides for tomorrow's Proctor Training session:

There is still time to register for tomorrow's Proctor Training session as

If you have not yet taken a look, we have a nice FAQ that is being updated
as we receive more questions via training surveys and email:

*Please note that there are recommended playlists of Northstar Quick Start
videos on the FAQ now.*  We realize that the webinar training sessions are
long, and that many of your colleagues might not have hours to dedicate to
learning about Northstar.  We have the Quick Start videos broken down into
15 minute chunks, to make it more manageable.

Finally, I will be sending out a "Looking Forward to 2022 with Northstar"
message to the list soon with some valuable information to help with your
local implementations.

Thanks, as always, for your dedication to your patrons and your help in
making Northstar a reality for the folks in Ohio.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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