[NORTHSTAR] Northstar in Year One, New Libraries Onboard, Updates to Northstar Features

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Aug 11 15:26:32 EDT 2022


I hope you have had a nice summer, and that you have had a chance to catch
your breath after Summer Reading!  Since it has been some time since our
last update, there is a lot of great news about Northstar to share.  Here
are the highlights:

*Northstar in Year One*
It may seem hard to believe, but we are coming up on the first anniversary
of Northstar being available statewide in Ohio!

As we are preparing for our second year, we would love to hear some of the
ways you have been using Northstar in your communities.  Not only are your
stories helpful as we report back for our ARPA grant, but they can also
inspire your colleagues and provide points of connection for helping each
other--*so please share them to the list!*

*New Libraries Onboard*

Congratulations to all of the libraries that have gone live over the summer:

   - Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library
   - Cleveland Public Library <https://cpl.org/eventsclasses/online-courses>
   - Dayton Metro Library
   - Defiance Public Library <https://www.defiancelibrary.org>
   - Henderson Memorial Library Association
   - Huron Public Library
   - Kirtland Public Library
   - Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library <http://www.smfpl.org/node/17737/52>
   - Worthington Libraries

*Updates to Northstar Features*

Just last week, Northstar Digital Literacy announced the release of the
Spanish language option for their Basic Computers assessment.  The
corresponding Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) module is also available in
Spanish.  Learners can choose the Spanish language option under their
Learner Profile.

Over the course of the summer, additional NSOL courses have been added, and
more are coming soon, including

   - PowerPoint (mid August)
   - Social Media (end of August)
   - Google Docs (Sept)

NSOL modules are expected for all existing assessments by the end of 2022.

*More Training Available*

We had a special training session for Guiding Ohio Online Libraries last
week, but other folks may find it useful as well.  The recording is
available on the OPLIN YouTube channel

Additionally, there will be a "Getting Started with Northstar" webinar
available for all subscribers (not just Ohio, and not just libraries!) on
Tuesday, August 16 at 3pm EDT (2pm CDT).  You can register now here

*Ohio library access to Northstar is funded through a federal Institute of
Museum and Library Services ARPA grant awarded by the State Library of

Thanks, as always, for all that you do.  Hope you have a great weekend!


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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