[NORTHSTAR] Fwd: [NDIA Listserv] Please Take Our Survey: The Human Infrastructure of Broadband

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed May 8 17:26:38 EDT 2024


I hope everyone is doing well!  I have a small request for you, so that we
can bring more attention to the role of libraries in helping patrons with
their digital skills and digital access needs.

ALA, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), and other partners are
gathering information about the many types of "digital navigation" work
that is happening--and they are especially interested in the work that
*you* are doing in libraries.

Not sure if your library does "digital navigation?"  I'll bet you do!

Here are some of the services that libraries provide that are considered
digital navigation:

   - Provide public access computers or free wi-fi access
   - Digital skills help
   - Tech support/troubleshooting
   - Navigating specialized portals, for example for healthcare or
   government programs

Please take a moment to help the rest of the world understand the
underappreciated work that you do. The data you provide will help others
understand and better support your work.

*Please take the survey, hosted by the Benton Institute for Broadband and
Society by May 24: *https://forms.gle/9WxPdLn9ac1mViW19

Questions about the survey can be directed to *research at benton.org
<research at benton.org>*.

Many thanks,

Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
614-728-5252 (OPLIN Support)
614-728-0227 (direct)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Grace Tepper via groups.io <grace=benton.org at groups.io>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 5:03 PM
Subject: [NDIA Listserv] Please Take Our Survey: The Human Infrastructure
of Broadband
To: <main at ndia.groups.io>

Hi NDIA community!

The Benton Institute for Broadband & Society––in collaboration with NDIA,
the American Library Association, and METRO's Digital Equity Research
Center––is examining the work of people, whether they are librarians or
digital stewards or digital navigators, who help connect others to

This can mean a whole range of activities, from helping people access
devices or enroll in ACP, helping patients learn to use telehealth portals,
or adding a "technology layer" to work that focuses on affordable housing
or financial literacy. *If your organization works on these or related
issues, please take our survey: *https://forms.gle/9WxPdLn9ac1mViW19

Our survey will be available until *May 24th*. The data you provide will
help us understand and better support this work. It will contribute to a
planned public report and recommendations to sustain your work beyond this
current investment in digital equity.

Please feel free to reach out to *research at benton.org <research at benton.org>*
if you have any questions or would like more info!


*Grace Tepper *
*Senior Writing Associate*
O: (847) 328-3040, C: (240) 485-7307

benton.org | @Benton_Inst <https://twitter.com/Benton_Inst> |

*Championing fast, fair, open broadband for allto deliver opportunities and
strengthen communitiesSign up <https://www.benton.org/user/register> for
Benton's free Headlines communications news summary service*
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