[SOA] FW: H-Midwest: Introducing the Profiling Midwest Collections Blog

Carleton, Janet carleton at ohio.edu
Mon May 16 08:03:22 EDT 2016

Janet Carleton | Digital Initiatives Coordinator | OHIO University Libraries | 1 Ohio University | Alden 322 | Athens, Ohio | 740.597.2527 | carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu> | http://media.library.ohiou.edu | http://twitter.com/jcarletonoh | http://twitter.com/AldenLibDigital  | http://ohiou-digital-collections.tumblr.com/ | http://pinterest.com/OhioDigiArchive/

From: H-Net Notifications [mailto:drupaladmin at mail.h-net.msu.edu]
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 10:54 PM
To: Carleton, Janet
Subject: H-Midwest: Introducing the Profiling Midwest Collections Blog


Greetings Janet Carleton,
A new item has been posted in H-Midwest.

Introducing the Profiling Midwest Collections Blog<https://networks.h-net.org/node/85290/discussions/125288/introducing-profiling-midwest-collections-blog>
by Andrea Truitt

After seeing the various notifications in your inbox this week and last, H-Midwest is excited to formally announce the Profiling Midwest Collections blog<https://networks.h-net.org/node/85290/blog/Profiling%20Midwest%20Collections>! As its name implies, it gathers together descriptions of archives and collections related to local-, state-, and regional histories in the Midwest. We currently have fifteen profiles from institutions uncluding university museums, libraries, and archives; state libraries and offices; the Archdiocese of Cincinnati; and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, to name some.

For those who emailed the network and have contributed the text and images, we extend a big thank-you for your participation and your patience while we got things up and running!

For those of you who may want to contribute to the blog, we are always soliciting brief descriptions<https://networks.h-net.org/node/85290/discussions/104394/call-collection-profiles> of institutions, research centers, or specific archival collections that address any aspect of Midwestern history, culture, and life, including manuscript collections, audio-visual materials, and collections relating to Midwestern art, film, material- and visual culture. If you would like us to include your institution on the blog, please send us the following information, emailed to editorial-midwest at mail.h-net.msu.edu<mailto:editorial-midwest at mail.h-net.msu.edu>.

  1.  Name of Institution
  2.  Location
  3.  URLs to Institution or collection-specific webpage(s)
  4.  Name of Collection(s)
  5.  Description of the institution and collection, highlighting any key materials
  6.  Relevant image(s); 0-3; please make sure that copyright is observed, and please let us know how we should credit the image


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