[SOA] Grant Opportunity for Ohio Repositories

Ron Davidson rdavidson at sanduskylib.org
Wed Jan 4 09:00:09 EST 2017

The Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board announces the availability of grants between $500 and $5,000 to archival institutions to fund projects to preserve and/or provide access to Ohio's historical records.  The grants are funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC<http://www.archives.gov/nhprc/>), an arm of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA<http://www.archives.gov/>) through their State Board Programming Grants<http://www.archives.gov/nhprc/announcement/state.html>. Projects eligible for funding in 2017 include:

?  Assessment and Strategic Planning: hiring consultants to identify needs and priorities for improving the organization, description, preservation and access to collections.
?  Access, Arrangement and Description: identifying, organizing, and improving access to historical records.
?  Preservation: purchasing archival file folders, archival boxes, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, hygrothermographs, or HEPA vacuum cleaners.
?  Website Development: Adding collections to online catalog, developing virtual archives, or creating an on-line database. Websites designed to support access to researchers (e.g., online catalogs, finding aids, and digitized collections, rather than curated web exhibits) will receive preference in funding.

Grant applications are due February 28, 2017.  More information on the grants, including the application packet, is available here<http://www.ohrab.org/grants/regrant/>. (http://www.ohrab.org/grants/regrant/)

Ron Davidson
Special Collections Librarian
Sandusky Library
114 W. Adams St.
Sandusky, OH 44870
(419) 625-3834

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