[SOA] LYRASIS Trending Topics - Collecting Trends and Archival Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Initial Survey Results

Carleton, Janet carleton at ohio.edu
Fri Sep 4 12:16:10 EDT 2020

LYRASIS Trending Topics - Collecting Trends and Archival Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Initial Survey Results Webinar

Friday Sept 11, 2-3pm

Members: free/Non-members $25

Register here<https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=DE98C4C4-D0D1-EA11-80EB-00155DE5EC03>.

Description: In April 2020, a LYRASIS member approached the consulting team with a unique dilemma. How could they safely collect important archival materials from a donor who had contracted the COVID-19 Virus?

This question led LYRASIS Consultants Katy Klettlinger, Leigh Grinstead, and Tom Clareson to develop a survey to discover how others are handling these kinds of situations, and what resources can be shared among archives, library, and museum professionals to ensure staff safety and preservation of the historical record.

The primary goal of the survey was to provide guidelines on how to safely collect archival materials during the pandemic; however, the survey revealed other potential risks to collections as a result of limited physical access to storage areas and a move to remote staffing. Recommendations and information on these topics and more are presented as high-level resource documents in this report. With these resources, institutions undertaking archival collecting will be better equipped to weather the impacts of the pandemic to date and the anticipated intermittent opening and closing of physical sites to come. Read the results of the survey on our website<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fr20.rs6.net%2Ftn.jsp%3Ff%3D0013w6_ck8pR3ybd1cFIOAXWkkAVy_sHnyBv4aiQdjp6UgeLF-892otsdcE9BnBilo12RELFRCkOyuvYnYCCgWqjN03hikwMgPpC1jwMVvMHP5UvD9-NdBrIgn9veCYH0Kpr70d9sb2FQbEPE8hvtiMFrsNb0NSH2-_l8oTSyYMHje67aPSYji9QhPjVSqmk3wsGJNUT4QtcdjONsOGwRNu9rNjetpWRzXIUN_5OH4GjrQ%3D%26c%3DxFiEsXpDNyw9RxiDj0Bcg10zwiiuSrUEba-MV3TwGc4fKZxqKAwMXA%3D%3D%26ch%3DJsnGcXzM41vdlDc1wqoSYln6d7q7I1CSuZnCGic1RTCCnmgobXxAqA%3D%3D&data=02%7C01%7Ccarleton%40ohio.edu%7C879d6a323cd64b05575d08d850d75fc8%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637348233259094351&sdata=GBi5SKE%2FiC9DYcLxQ63ufqjsEY6zjDelBy21KhB6zAc%3D&reserved=0>.

The survey was authored and conducted by LYRASIS Subject Field experts Katy L. W. Klettlinger, Leigh A. Grinstead and Thomas F. R. Clareson, LYRASIS consultants in the Research and Innovation Division led by Erin Tripp at LYRASIS. The survey was released on June 1st and closed on June 25th, 2020, and resulted in 268 total responses. More than 250 archives, libraries, museums, and historical societies from 45 states responded to the survey.

Katy Klettlinger, lead author of the survey, states "although our original intention was to explore the challenges facing institutions collecting archival materials, we later discovered obstacles the pandemic has caused that also affected galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. We hope the resource documents within the report will serve as a starting point for colleagues to start jumping over these hurdles."

Come learn about policies and practices from the field, and suggestions for collecting activities during the coronavirus crisis. LYRASIS consultants will share their discoveries, including information about uneven access to collections for basic care and management; physical and digital collecting practices; precautions for staff and users; and resources, policies, and comfort level with collecting now. There will be time for discussion via text chat; please bring your questions.

NOTE: The intended audience includes professionals who perform collecting tasks at their institutions and decision makers who can identify new resources for their programs, as well as librarians, archivists, and museum staff who want to share ideas with their managers. The topics being shared are all-inclusive.


Katy Klettlinger, Outreach Representative and Consultant, serves states in the Mid-Atlantic region and has over fifteen years' experience in archival, government, and public library settings in Ohio. Previously, Klettlinger was a Library Consultant for the State Library of Ohio where she assisted public libraries with digitization, space planning, and strategic planning. Before coming to the State Library, Klettlinger worked for six years as the Records Manager and Archivist for Licking County Government where she built the county's program from the ground up and created its first county-wide digitization program. Her background in archival and digitization management for government settings in addition to public library needs provides unique perspectives for librarians to consider when offering quality services to their patrons. Katy takes pride in supporting colleagues and helping them succeed. Katy serves libraries in the Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes.

Leigh Grinstead has more than 20 years of experience working in museum administration, overseeing collections, and conducting preservation assessments and collection inventories. Leigh has managed National Endowment for the Humanities and Institute for Museum and Library Services grants, including the Colorado Statewide Connecting to Collections planning grant, and has consulted on five others. Leigh spent nearly half a decade with the Collaborative Digitization Program. Since 2009, she has further broadened her experience with digital projects by working for LYRASIS and by earning her Digital Archives Specialist Certification in 2015. She consults with collection-holding institutions around the nation, facilitating meetings and advising them on digital project and preservation planning, workflows, standards and best practices for capture, metadata creation, access and preservation. Current clients include the Miami-Dade Public Library, California Historic Records Advisory Board, and the Orbis Cascade Alliance. Leigh develops and teaches online classes and speaks at many museum and archives conferences, and she serves on the American Association for State and Local History Council as well as the Archival Description working group for the Digital Public Library of America.

Tom Clareson is Project Director of the Performing Arts Readiness project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to help performing arts organizations nationwide learn how to protect their assets, sustain operations, and be prepared for emergencies. He serves as Senior Consultant for Digital & Preservation Services at LYRASIS, consulting and teaching nationally and internationally on preservation, disaster preparedness, digitization, digital preservation, special collections/archives, remote storage, funding, strategic planning, and advocacy for libraries, archives, and museums. Clareson serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation.

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