[SOA] Call for Proposals: Robert W. Reeder I Symposium: Transportation, Movement, and Mobility (October 27-28, 2022)

Shelley Blundell blundell.shelley at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 13:32:52 EST 2022

*Robert W. Reeder I Symposium: Transportation, Movement, and Mobility *

October 27-28, 2022

Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor

Youngstown, Ohio

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Youngstown State
University invites proposals for the 2022 Reeder Symposium:
"Transportation, Movement, and Mobility"
<http://reeder.ysu.edu/index.php/reeder-symposium/> to be held October
27-28, 2022.

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Marcus Rediker, author of *The Slave
Ship *and *Outlaws of the Atlantic*, will deliver the keynote address on
October 27 at 5:30 pm.

This symposium seeks to bring together a variety of emerging and
established scholars whose work investigates the themes of transportation,
movement, and mobility in U.S. history. Proposals from all eras and fields
relative to U.S. history are welcome. We will give due consideration to all
proposals submitted, whether from faculty, graduate students, independent
scholars, or advanced undergraduate students. Possible topics include, but
are not limited to:

   - Transportation (modes, infrastructure, engineering, fuel, power)
   - Canals, railroads, automobiles
   - Maritime and water transportation
   - Aviation and aerospace
   - Exploration and navigation
   - Trade
   - Public transportation (segregation)
   - Migrations, forced migrations, diasporas
   - Slave trade (international/domestic)
   - Trafficking
   - Pioneers, frontiers, borderlands
   - Expansion, colonialism
   - Depopulation, suburbanization, urban decay
   - Travel narratives and literature
   - Tourism and leisure
   - Communication and news
   - Covert networks
   - Military strategies and maneuvers
   - Contagion and contamination

We invite proposals for individual papers and for panels. To submit an
individual paper, send a .doc or .pdf attachment containing a title, 200
word abstract, contact information, and brief resume/CV. To submit a panel,
send a .doc or .pdf attachment containing a panel title, 200 word abstract
for each paper including titles, contact information for each presenter,
brief resumes/CVS, and a suggested commentator.

We would also be grateful for volunteers willing to serve as panel

Please email your abstracts with subject line “Reeder Symposium” to
alfluker at ysu.edu by April 30, 2022.

Please note that we are offering a number of travel grants
<http://reeder.ysu.edu/index.php/travel-grants/> for students and faculty.

Find out more here: http://reeder.ysu.edu/index.php/reeder-symposium/

Kindest regards,
Shelley Blundell
Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
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