[SOA] Fwd: FW: Invitation for Society of Ohio Archivists to participate in survey on AI and recordkeeping

Amy Rohmiller arohmiller at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 10:26:51 EDT 2023

Hello, I'm forwarding on the below by request.


*From:* Carelse, Michael <michael.carelse at ubc.ca>
*Sent:* Friday, March 31, 2023 1:19 PM
*To:* Rohmiller, Amy <Amy.Rohmiller at ketteringhealth.org>
*Subject:* Invitation for Society of Ohio Archivists to participate in
survey on AI and recordkeeping

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My name is Michael Carelse, and I am a graduate student in the University
of British Columbia’s School of Information and a research assistant for
InterPARES Trust AI, an international research project investigating the
use of artificial intelligence in recordkeeping.

My InterPARES research group is conducting a survey of professionals in the
US and Canada in the fields of records management, archives, information
management, and information technology, available at this link:

I am writing to ask if you would be interested in distributing this survey
to the Society of Ohio Archivists' membership and inviting your members to
take this survey? The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
All survey questions are optional. The survey will be open until 15 April
2023. Findings from the survey will be shared with participating
professional organizations; we expect to have findings ready to share by
June 2023.

We would greatly appreciate the perspectives and insights of your
association’s members via this survey, and in turn we hope that our results
will be of value and interest to your association.

If you are willing to distribute this survey, feel free to use the below

*Artificial intelligence is among us!*

But how AI is or could be employed for content management is not yet
understood. Please take 15 minutes of your time to respond to
this survey to help the InterPares Trust AI research group better
understand how digital content is being managed today and how AI is or
could be employed to relieve pain points. The survey is open through April
15, 2023.

Take the survey: https://sjsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b2yif11rUeW6TSm

Participants may request a copy of the completed report. Contact for
comments and questions: Dr. Pat Franks, patricia.franks at sjsu.edu

*This survey is being conducted as part of the InterPARES Trust AI
research **agenda.*
is understood that the responses to the questions in this survey reflect
the viewpoint of the respondents and not the organization within which they
are employed.*

Many thanks,

Michael Carelse

MAS/LIS Student, UBC School of Information

Graduate Academic Assistant, InterPARES Trust AI

***KH Confidentiality Notice** This email may contain legally privileged
and confidential information from Kettering Health intended only for the
individual or entity named above as the intended recipient. If you are not
the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review,
dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is
prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us
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