[SOA] Call for Papers - Special issue of Journal of Archival Organization on hip-hop archives

Noonan, Dan noonan.37 at osu.edu
Thu Apr 6 09:57:33 EDT 2023

Hip Hop Archives

At the age 50, Hip Hop is finally understood as an essential facet of world-wide culture, with wide-ranging influence on our shared world. The continued lack of hip hop documents in traditional archives indicates both a lack of interest in, or understanding of that impact, as well as the inherent ephemerality of the five pillars of hip hop, leaving interested archivists without a path for documentation.

Taking Mark V. Campbell's assertion that archival presentations of hip hop "signal the continued importance of the culture's fifth element: knowledge" which "indicate[s] an 'archival state of mind' with increased attentiveness to the preservation of hip-hop culture through lived, embodied and affective practices" pathways to documentation do exist, and can be replicated in traditional archival settings.

This special issue of the Journal of Archival Organization will focus on the efforts of creators, collectors, activists, scholars, archivists, and polymaths that can guide and inspire the collecting, study and celebration of hip hop in all of its forms. We welcome original research articles, review articles, and critical essays that examine the intersection of hip-hop and archives.

For more information or to submit an article for consideration, please visit think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/...<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/journal-archival-organization-hip-hop-archives__;!!KGKeukY!wApUekyA8xraZa8aQsMA7HHJi2iinK42zYVpvGmKptlQYv-TmJys-Ta93diQOQXcmfAtI9ovydzJ_X02_w9NAIS-8o3ddxJ9$>

[The Ohio State University]
Daniel W. Noonan
Associate Professor
Digital Preservation Librarian
University Libraries | Digital Programs
320A 18th Avenue Library | 175 West 18th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210
614.247.2425 Office
noonan.37 at osu.edu<mailto:noonan.37 at osu.edu> go.osu.edu/noonan<http://go.osu.edu/noonan> @DannyNoonan1962<https://twitter.com/DannyNoonan1962> @dannynoonan1962 at mastodon.scot<https://mastodon.scot/@dannynoonan1962>
[cid:image002.png at 01D31FED.3928C600]http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7021-4106

Pronouns: he/him/his ~ Honorific: Mr.
Buckeyes consider the environment before printing.
Campus Campaign Fund: 483229 Rare Books and Manuscripts fund for LGBTQ
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