[SOA] Save the Date! Ohio Preservation Council Quarterly Business Meeting - May 11th

James DaMico james.damico at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 22:06:13 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us on May 11th, at 10 am for the OPC Quarterly Membership
Meeting online via Google Meet: *https://meet.google.com/jic-jmdo-bjz

*Quarterly meeting*

*Thursday, May 11 · 10:00 am – 12:00 pm*

*Google Meet joining info*

*Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jic-jmdo-bjz

Or dial: (US) +1 978-728-3986 PIN: 467 492 205#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/jic-jmdo-bjz?pin=6834744527151

*Also, please consider joining us for "Tea Time" where OPC colleagues
arrive 15 minutes early at 9:45 am for a social pre-gathering.*

*Please review the attached revisions (highlighted) to the By-Laws. We will
have time to discuss and vote on them. *

Agenda (10 - 11 am):

   1. Call to order, agenda review, introductions
   2. Chair Report (Jim DaMico, OPC Chair)
   3. Chair-Elect Report (Virginia Dressler, OPC Chair Elect)
   4. Approval of Minutes (Jamye Jamison, Secretary)
   5. Review of the Council’s finances (Miriam Nelson, Treasurer)
   6. Membership updates (Kristen Muenz, Membership)
   7. Marketing & Outreach Committee (Andrew Mancuso & Gena Reynolds)
   8. Education & Programming Committee report (Rachel Makarowski & Amber
   9. Review of by-law changes
   10. Round Robin (time permitting)

*11:00 - 11:15 Break*

*11:15 - 12:00*
Education and Programing: TBA

Thank you!
Jim DaMico
Ohio Preservation Council, Chair

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesdamico
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