[SOA] Call for Proposals - 2024 OMA Annual Conference in Sandusky

Emily Gainer erlockh at uakron.edu
Thu Aug 17 11:12:45 EDT 2023

Call for Proposals - 2024 OMA Annual Conference in Sandusky
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Session proposals are being accepted until 10/13/23.
Click here to download a Session Proposal Form<https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=756ef55055&e=509d507784>

In so many areas of our regular life the climates are changing from what was usual in the past. In the museum world, sustainability and shifts in climates are happening too, and encompass a broad range of topics and impacts.

Of course, museums think about sustainability regarding their environmental impact, but also in terms of financial sustainability, the changing climate of visitor and donor behavior, sustaining and supporting the workforce, the future of grant and foundation support, shifting volunteer demographics, changing trends in tourism, and more – all while sustaining and staying true to their mission.

Museums across Ohio are tackling the many facets of sustainability so they can remain strong, vibrant, and essential community cornerstones no matter what future climates bring.

Join us in Sandusky, April 13-15 as we explore these topics and more at the 2024 Ohio Museums Association’s Annual Conference: Sustaining Museums for Future Climates<https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=7c152591a8&e=509d507784>

OMA is looking for innovative and engaging sessions that will create an interactive experience for our conference attendees.

Send in a proposal for a session that you would like to attend!

Submit your session proposal now for the 2024 annual conference of the Ohio Museums Association as we explore best practices and innovative ideas in Ohio museums. We're seeking session proposals that will foster dynamic conversations around:

  *   Volunteer Sustainability: outreach and engaging new volunteer demographics, engaging and retaining your current volunteers, addressing an aging volunteer base

  *   Environmental Sustainability: re-thinking and reducing your museum’s environmental footprint, best practices, new ideas and expectations, low and no-cost green initiatives

  *   Visitor and Tourism Sustainability: staying relevant and retaining current visitors, cultivating new audiences, creating and sustaining community partnerships, growing and maintaining your museum as a tourism destination

  *   Workforce Sustainability: growing and maintaining our workforce, addressing worker health (physical and mental), addressing worker benefits and compensation, welcoming workers with diverse experiences into the field

  *   Mission Sustainability: creating/maintaining engaging education and public programs, collections care, building and grounds care, maintenance and upgrades, embodying and advancing your organization’s mission

  *   Financial Sustainability: development and donor relations, financial best practices, grants and other funding sources, working with community foundations, finding and cultivating diverse funding sources

  *   Other topics important to your museum

Complete online Session Proposal form here<https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=6b28feb996&e=509d507784> <https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=c02a5d481a&e=509d507784> or visit ohiomuseums.org/2024Conference<https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=b869844855&e=509d507784>.

For more information, visit the OMA 2024 Conference Page<https://ohiomuseums.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b899769a472077f0ff0e1584&id=24bd111ff9&e=509d507784>.
OMA reserves the right to evaluate all proposals and to schedule those that accomplish the goal of a balanced program. Submission deadline is October 13, 2023.

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