[SOA] Ohio Preservation Council Quarterly Meeting - May 11

James DaMico james.damico at gmail.com
Thu May 4 20:39:58 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us on May 11th, at 10 am for the OPC Quarterly
Membership Meeting online via Google Meet*:

*Please review the March Quarterly meeting minutes and proposed By-Law
revision prior to the meeting. *

*Quarterly meeting*

*Thursday, May 11 · 10:00 am – 12:00 pm*

*Google Meet joining info*

*Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jic-jmdo-bjz

Or dial: (US) +1 978-728-3986 PIN: 467 492 205#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/jic-jmdo-bjz?pin=6834744527151

*Also, please consider joining us for "Tea Time" where OPC colleagues
arrive 15 minutes early at 9:45 am for a social pre-gathering.*

*Agenda (10 - 11 am):*

   1. Call to order, agenda review, introductions
   2. Chair Report (Jim DaMico, OPC Chair)
   3. Chair-Elect Report (Virginia Dressler, OPC Chair Elect)
   4. Approval of Minutes
   Jamison, Secretary)
   5. Review of the Council’s finances (Miriam Nelson, Treasurer)
   6. Membership updates (Kristen Muenz, Membership)
   7. Marketing & Outreach Committee (Andrew Mancuso & Gena Reynolds)
   8. Education & Programming Committee report (Rachel Makarowski & Amber
   9. Review of by-law changes
    and vote
   10. Round Robin (time permitting)

*11:00 - 11:15 Break*

*11:15 - 12:00*

*Education and Programming*

Join Ohio Preservation Council Professional Development Grant Awardees to
learn more about new skills they learned about ICC profiles and photograph

*Matt Carissimi*

Digital Transitions, Digitization 301: ICC Profiles

*Catarina Figueirinhas*

Fundamentals of Photograph Preservation, a six-session online course taught
by the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

We look forward to seeing you online.

Best regards,
Jim DaMico
Chair, Ohio Preservation Council

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesdamico
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