[SOA] Voting for poster images

Collette McDonough collette.mcdonough at gmail.com
Mon May 8 15:39:13 EDT 2023

Dear members,

Each year we as members get to vote on the images that will be selected to
be part of the SOA image poster.  This year we had so many great
submissions that choosing your top ten might be hard.  The theme is
transportation so be sure to pick the ones you feel would help advocate for
Ohio's archives.  All members can vote once.

Thank you to everyone that submitted and we hope that those who did not
will get to submit next year. We thought that we had some real amazing
images this year and are so happy that so much of the state is
represented.  *Voting ends May 14!*


Collette McDonough
Chair of Advocacy and Outreach Committee
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