[SOA] SAA Online & Free Annual Section Meetings in June/July

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Wed May 17 18:36:07 EDT 2023

Once again this year, the Society of American Archivists is making all its annual section meetings free and online.

Most sections will have interesting programming as well as a brief business meeting. These meetings are spread across June and July and require registration. See them & register from this calendar: https://connect.archivists.org/events/calendar

Here's a couple of examples:

Military Archives Section (MARS) Jul 6, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM (CT). SAA Military Archives Section annual meeting with guest speaker Dr. Kurt Luther, director of Virginia Tech's Crowd Intelligence Lab and a founder of Civil War Photo Sleuth, an online tool that helps users identify soldiers in old Civil War photographs using human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI).
Public Library Archives and Special Collections Section (2023 Meeting) Jun 29, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM (CT). Panelists from Indiana and North Carolina newspaper digitization projects and the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) will address issues relating to the stewardship of local newspapers at public libraries. Issues include copyright, the role of microfilm, digitization projects, preservation best practices and the move to online-only newspapers.

Janet Carleton | Digital Initiatives Coordinator | Digital Initiatives | Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Preservation & Digital Initiatives | OHIO University Libraries | Alden 333 | Athens, Ohio | 740.597.2527 | carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu> | https://media.library.ohio.edu<https://media.library.ohio.edu/> | she/her/hers

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