[SOA] 2024 Michigan Archival Association Call for Proposals

Elizabeth Nicholson Green elizabethanicholson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 10:02:31 EDT 2023

Greetings All!

The Michigan Archival Association (MAA) Program Committee is now seeking
session proposals for our 2024 Annual Meeting in Detroit!  Come join us at
the Little Caesars Global Resource Center from Monday, June 17 - Tuesday,
June 18, 2024!

Are you presenting for MAC, SAA, or another related field? Double dip! Do
you need presentation experience and want to wet your feet in a low
pressure environment? Present with us!  Are you a student? We’re excited to
have you sign up for a session!
*Possible session topics include, but are not limited to:*


   All things digital (access, preservation, new technologies, etc.)

   Archivists in non-traditional settings (e.g., private archives,
   consultants, corporate)

   Career planning/advice

   Cataloging and metadata

   Collections management


   Donor relations/cultivation

   Exhibits on a budget

   - Fostering a diverse and inclusive profession

   - Fundraising and grant writing

   - Invisible labor

   - Processing

   - Promoting collections

   - Records Management

   - Reference

   - Repository round-up (short updates on projects presented at past

   - Web archiving, preserving social media

Please consider using the MAA 2024 Session Proposal Collaboration
 to find others interested in your topic.

To submit a proposal, please complete the MAA 2024 Annual Meeting Session
Proposal form <https://forms.gle/MJGjX5pL11tzN96GA>.  Proposals are due by
January 8, 2024.

There will be a separate call for the poster session proposals in early

Thank you and please feel free to spread the word … and volunteer others!
We are happy to contact people to fill in our program, so if you know
someone working on an interesting project, please let us know.  You do not
have to be an MAA member to present at the meeting.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to
hearing from you!


MAA Program Committee

Elizabeth Nicholson, Chair

Sarah Lebovitz, Co-Chair
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