[SOA] Winter Internship at OGS

Heise, Robin robin.heise at greenecountyohio.gov
Mon Oct 30 07:55:25 EDT 2023

From: lswanson at ogs.org <lswanson at ogs.org>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 3:34 PM
To: 'Chris Hurtubise' <churtubise at ohiohistory.org>; 'Fred Previts' <fprevits at ohiohistory.org>; 'Ratcliff, Tina' <RatcliffT at mcohio.org>; 'Stephen Badenhop' <sbadenhop at unioncountyohio.gov>; 'Connie Conner' <CConner at ohiohistory.org>; 'Kelly, Tami' <tkelly at grovecityohio.gov>; 'Hays, Meghan' <meghan.hays at shakerlibrary.org>; 'DRESSLER, Virginia' <vdressle at kent.edu>; 'Sweetser, Michelle' <msweets at bgsu.edu>; 'Ernest Thode' <ernestthode at gmail.com>; Heise, Robin <robin.heise at greenecountyohio.gov>; 'Lisa A Smilnak' <l.smilnak at csuohio.edu>; 'Modrow, William' <modrowwm at miamioh.edu>; 'Shaw, Chris' <CShaw at co.delaware.oh.us>; 'Megan Wood' <mwood at ohiohistory.org>
Cc: 'Elizabeth Woods' <ewoods at ohiohistory.org>; 'Theresa Hopewood' <thopewood at ohiohistory.org>
Subject: RE: October 27 OHRAB Meeting

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the Greene County Network.

Hello everyone!
As I mentioned at the end of our meeting, the Ohio Genealogical Society has a paid internship for this winter thanks to a local grant from the Fran and Warren Rupp Advised Fund. I have attached the Job Description and application information.  Intern can be undergraduate or graduate, they just have to be attending school in the spring (in other words, no recent graduates). Pay is $14.00 an hour for a maximum of $2,400 with flexible work hours, 9-5. Thanks so much for spreading the word.

Linda Swanson, Library Collections Manager
Samuel D. Isaly Library
Ohio Genealogical Society
611 SR 97 W
Bellville, OH  44813-8813
www.ogs.org [ogs.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.ogs.org__;!!BJspS0a0Bgg!tyOKhLqFGU3tMl0YFBm-twn_ut4NLQZIddWQYhDf1IWoUoQM3GLxfAp43dkfQdL8vGQzdfHH5KHBArOVycC2cEEZfxqy$>

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