[SOA] 2024 Society of Southwest Archivists Virtual Annual Meeting - May 1-3, 2024

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 8 11:43:16 EDT 2024

From: Traci Patterson via Society of American Archivists <Mail at ConnectedCommunity.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 5:47 PM
To: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu>
Subject: [SAA announcements] : 2024 Society of Southwest Archivists Virtual Annual Meeting - May 1-3, 2024

The Society of Southwest Archivists 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting is less than one month away and registration is open! The meeting will be held May... -posted to the "Announcements" community
[Traci Patterson]<https://connect.archivists.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=7ff64c0f-3dcb-4745-bb90-595a5f50f0bb>
Apr 4, 2024 4:47 PM
Traci Patterson<https://connect.archivists.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=7ff64c0f-3dcb-4745-bb90-595a5f50f0bb>
The Society of Southwest Archivists 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting is less than one month away and registration is open!<https://societyofsouthwestarchivists.wildapricot.org/event-5566231> The meeting will be held May 1 - 3, 2024 hosted on Zoom Events. The theme is "DO NOT DEPLETE: Creating Sustainable Solutions in LAMs." This theme emphasizes sustainability in all its many forms. There are four main areas of sustainability - Human, Social, Economic, and Environmental - all of which are reflected in the archival and archives-adjacent professions.

We have an exciting program planned with pre-conference workshops, engaging educational sessions, social events, and will also have a virtual repository tour showcase spotlighting innovative collections storage methods and spotlight sustainability.

The Plenary Address will be delivered by Eira Tansey. Eira Tansey is an archivist, researcher, and consultant based in her hometown of Cincinnati/the Ohio River watershed. She is the founder of Memory Rising<https://memoryrising.net/>, which provides research, consulting, and archival services with expertise in climate change, environmental and labor movements, and Ohio Valley regional history.

We're looking forward to welcoming everyone virtually! For more information about the 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting please visit: https://societyofsouthwestarchivists.wildapricot.org/annual-meeting-2024.

Traci Patterson
Archivist / Special Collections Librarian
Woodson Research Center, Rice University
Waller TX

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