[SOA] Volunteer Appreciation Month

Emily Gainer erlockh at uakron.edu
Mon Apr 29 09:39:23 EDT 2024

The Society of Ohio Archivists Advocacy and Outreach Committee<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/advocacy/> recognizes Volunteer Appreciation Month!

Volunteer Appreciation Month: Clark County Historical Society<https://ohioarchivists.org/volunteer-clark-co-historical-soc/>
by Natalie Fritz, Archivist & Outreach Director, Clark County Historical Society at the Heritage Center.

[Two women sitting behind a table. Both are smiling and have papers on the table in front of them.]  April is volunteer appreciation month, a great time to acknowledge those who give their time, talent, and energy to support our missions and day to day operations.

Depending on what kind of organization you are from, you may interact with, utilize and depend upon, and find your volunteers differently. I want to share a bit about my own experience with volunteers as the Archivist and Outreach Director for the Clark County Historical Society<https://heritage.center/> in Springfield, Ohio. Continue reading on the SOA blog: https://ohioarchivists.org/volunteer-clark-co-historical-soc/
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