[SOA] FW: CCAHA Regional Heritage Stewardship Mentorship Program Info Session 2.21.24

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Thu Feb 1 16:25:59 EST 2024

From: Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts <pso-ccaha.org at shared1.ccsend.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 4:22 PM
To: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu>
Subject: CCAHA Regional Heritage Stewardship Mentorship Program Info Session 2.21.24




The Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) is excited to announce the continuation of the Regional Heritage Stewardship Program (RHSP) in Appalachia and the Deep South now that we have successfully secured our National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funding for the program.

Initially launched in 2017, RHSP focuses on regions that hold a wealth of collecting organizations but have limited access to conservators or other preservation expertise. The overarching goal of the initiative is to build a strong cultural heritage community in identified regions and establish a long-term network for on-the-ground regional support.

To kick things off, we want to hear from you!

We are hosting a listening session on Wednesday, February 21st from 1-2pm ET via Zoom. For those who are new to the program (or who just want a refresher), we will be outlining all the services we provide through this program, including free assessments, workshops, and travel for professional development.

We also want to have an open discussion about your needs for the program, what has worked well in the past for staying connected with colleagues in the field, and new ways we might work together in the coming two years. Together, we hope to discuss ways we can create a shared community of practice that addresses the unique characteristics of your region.

To register for the info session, click the button below! We will convene for approximately an hour with plenty of time for questions.

Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017ywETZHlD4-G8NUGRUdPtNSXraFz2QYtBlF6hV0Gsi4k51JGjwuIWzNzfJolraBAEHcMGDYz1qSazQmmGkflS7WFU6d2pJpqxwF3Pe8TZhKTAO1PaXsSglGBikOfdo-koAWgTAPrukRt9xsLNlxpOt-QSdns2wj77v7lj6EEZsdKt0Ad12EaqUPeD1IlhYuYahzxjLLTBhM=&c=PdbA_kSjjYrOtsoYCc_k-tbJZN8jy4BfJfTxZI7IU-65zkcVe8qMMA==&ch=1FL-dSW85cSQ3LLFGWm5IF2LC_yhR1pZke5ScYN_b71Yd9h2yZRmqA==>


Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts | 264 S. 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

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