[SOA] SOA Council minutes from November and January now available

Emily Gainer erlockh at uakron.edu
Thu Feb 22 08:56:09 EST 2024

The Society of Ohio Archivists most recent leadership meeting minutes from November 3, 2023, and January 5, 2024, can now be found on the Council Meeting Minutes<https://ohioarchivists.org/council_meeting_minutes/> page.

Interested in SOA over time? Also on that page are minutes dating back to 1997. In addition to documenting actions from the leadership meeting, minutes include reports from the treasurer as well as from committees and task forces<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/>.

Questions about minutes? Contact SOA Secretary Shelby Beatty<https://ohioarchivists.org/council-minutes-may2023-available/shelby.beatty1@sinclair.edu>.

Emily Gainer & Jane Wildermuth, SOA Marketing & Communications co-chairs

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