[SOA] Call for Nominations: 2024 SOA Merit Award

Beatty, Shelby shelby.beatty1 at sinclair.edu
Thu Feb 29 14:21:49 EST 2024

The SOA Membership & Awards Committee seeks nominations for the 2024 Society of Ohio Archivists Merit Award<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/membership-awards/merit_award/>.

The award is given to individuals or organizations that have by excellence in deeds, actions, or initiatives improved the state of archives in Ohio over the past year. The award will be announced at the SOA Annual Meeting<https://ohioarchivists.org/annual_conference/>, which will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024, at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. Applications are due by March 18, 2024.

Nominations should include the following information:

* Name of nominee;
* Nominee's employer or institution;
* Nominee's mailing address, phone number, and email address;
* Brief reason for nomination;
* The nominator's contact information so that the awards committee may contact you for additional information.

See the list of past awardees<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/membership-awards/merit_award/#awardees> on the Merit Award page<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/membership-awards/merit_award/>.

Applications and inquiries can be sent via email to Membership & Awards Committee co-chairs Jennifer Long Morehart<mailto:jmoreha at bgsu.edu> and Helen Conger<mailto:helen.conger at case.edu>. Due March 18, 2024.
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