[SOA] Time to update your Internship or Volunteer opportunities

Mark Bloom mabloom at uakron.edu
Wed Jan 3 15:04:14 EST 2024

If your repository is interested in accepting interns please consider putting your institution on our SOA Internship Opportunity list.  To get on the list please send the following information to mabloom at uakron.edu<mailto:mabloom at uakron.edu>
Institution: Name and address of the repository.

Internship information: Brief description of what the intern will be doing. Processing, digitization, etc.

Additional Information: Any additional information. Requirements, length of internship, physical requirements.

Contact email: email address [preferably to the repository, not individuals.]

Availability: When can internships be arranged.

Paid: Yes or No

On-going program: Yes or No

If your institution is already on the list please look over your repository's contact information and send any updates to mabloom at uakron.edu<mailto:mabloom at uakron.edu>

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