[SOA] FW: Archives Leadership Institute - Applications Open

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Thu Jan 4 11:36:53 EST 2024

From: Brenda Gunn via Society of American Archivists <Mail at ConnectedCommunity.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 5:34 PM
To: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu>
Subject: [SAA announcements] : Archives Leadership Institute - Applications Open

Happy new year to you. 2024 brings with it another Archives Leadership Institute to be held June 16-22 in Charlottesville, Virginia at the... -posted to the "Announcements" community
[Brenda Gunn]<https://connect.archivists.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=54f92e1c-c9ed-4393-bd85-d464deef101b>
Jan 3, 2024 4:34 PM
Brenda Gunn<https://connect.archivists.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=54f92e1c-c9ed-4393-bd85-d464deef101b>
Happy new year to you. 2024 brings with it another Archives Leadership Institute to be held June 16-22 in Charlottesville, Virginia at the University of Virginia.
Applications for ALI are open now with the deadline coming up on January 12. For more information about the institute, consult ALI's website, where you can find testimonials from ALI alumni, an FAQ about the institute, and a recording of an informational webinar held in November.
Applications can be submitted through the portal located at www.archivesleadershipinstitute.org<https://ali.uvacreate.virginia.edu/>

Feel free to contact me with any questions: director at archivesleadershipinstitute.org<mailto:director at archivesleadershipinstitute.org>

Brenda Gunn

Brenda Gunn, CA FSAA
University of Virginia Library
brenda.gunn at virginia.edu<mailto:brenda.gunn at virginia.edu>

Archives Leadership Institute, Director 2024-2027
brenda at archivesleadershipinstitute.org<mailto:brenda at archivesleadershipinstitute.org>

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