[SOA] Internship posting: Archivist/Registrar Intern, Wexner Center for the Arts

Kristen M kemuenz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 12:33:03 EST 2024

Hello SOA,

The Wexner Center for the Arts is currently hiring our cohort of interns
for this next academic year – including, for the first time, an intern who
will work with the Wex's archivist (myself) and our registrar! The
internship will be ten hours a week, on-site, from August 2024 to May 2025.

If you know a student or recent graduate interested in museum archives and
registration work, please send them our way! You can find links to apply at
the page with all of the Wex's internship postings (scroll to the bottom)
<https://wexarts.org/content/wex-open-internships>. And if you have any
questions, feel free to reach out to me at kmuenz at wexarts.org.

All the best,


Archivist (she/they)

The Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University
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