[SOA] Apply now for the Preservation Program through CCAHA!

CCAHA Preservation Services pso.ccaha at gmail.com
Thu May 2 14:29:49 EDT 2024

Hi all!

Thanks to funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) is able to offer a
limited number of free preservation needs assessments and preservation
plans to those in Appalachian Ohio, through the Regional Heritage
Stewardship Program.

For those participating in the program through the stewardship program,
institutions selected will receive a preservation needs assessment and
preservation plan conducted by a CCAHA specialist using a peer-to-peer
format. Institutions are paired with a peer institution in the region with
whom they complete the assessment process in tandem. There is no need to
find a peer organization for the application process, one will be chosen
for you to work alongside, if chosen.

*Please find more information on the program and the link to apply **here
<https://ccaha.org/preservation-program>*. Please note that while this page
lists the cost as $500, this program is free for those in the areas within
the Regional Heritage Stewardship Program, such as Appalachian Ohio.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to the Preservation
Services office at CCAHA at pso at ccaha.org or via telephone at (215)
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