[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #111: Copyright, Lively, New OCLC Report, Internet Growth

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Jul 16 15:53:07 EDT 2008

*OPLIN 4Cast #111:
Copyright, Lively, New OCLC Report, Internet Growth
*July 16, 2008

*1. Online copyright issues*
In some cases, the same copyright laws apply to online documents and 
videos as the traditional versions. Here are some of the latest legal 

    * 5 Things Librarians Should Read about Copyright and Sharing
      Instructional Materials
    * Copyright Office discovers web forms, online submissions
      (Ars Technica)
    * New Orphaned Works Act would limit copyright liability
      (Ars Technica)
    * Fair Use Synchronicity
      <http://scanblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/synchronicity.html> (Scanblog)

*2. Second Life Competition?
*Lively <http://www.lively.com/catalog> by Google : "This exciting 
experience lets you interact and express yourself with avatars, within 
rooms you create." Sound familiar?

    * Google Tries To Go Lively With Its Own Virtual World Effort
    * Google ventures into virtual reality with 'Lively'
      (Yahoo News)
    * Lively: Google Launches Virtual World
      (Read Write Web)
    * Google Launches Virtual World Called Lively
      (Tech Crunch)

*3. The latest report from OCLC: Library funding*

    * Latest OCLC research report identifies factors that drive public
      library funding support in the United States
      (Library Technology)
    * OCLC Report Suggests Ways To Generate New Library Support
    *  From Awareness to Funding: A study of library support in America
      <http://www.oclc.org/reports/funding/> (OCLC)
    * New OCLC Research Report on public library funding released
      <http://liswire.com/node/124> (LIS Wire)

*4. The growing Internet*
We've mentioned before that online traffic is increasing. Here are some 
numbers: 11 billion 
online videos were watched in April, 12 billion 
in May. Although we haven't tested it yet, Quantcast supposedly shows 
you how your site ranks. When checking out the Internet Growth 
Statistics link, make sure to check out the growth charts.

    * Quantcast <http://www.quantcast.com/>
    * IP Traffic to 'double' every two years
    * ISPs prepare for video revolution
      <http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9983861-7.html> (c|Net)
    * Internet Growth Statistics
      <http://www.internetworldstats.com/emarketing.htm> (Internet World
      Stats)* *

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Bobbi Galvin
OPLIN Communications & Support

galvinbo AT oplin.org
P: 1-888-966-7546
2323 W. 5th Avenue | Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204

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