[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #95: Monitoring productivity, OpenSocial, OverDrive w/iPods, LibraryThing

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Mar 26 15:31:29 EDT 2008

*OPLIN 4Cast #95: Monitoring productivity, OpenSocial, OverDrive 
w/iPods, LibraryThing
*March 26, 2008

*1. Can a bigger monitor (or dual monitors!) make you more productive?*
 From /Lifehacker/: "The Wall Street Journal reports on a recent study 
that asked whether more screen real estate gave workers the ability to 
do things faster and better. Workers were given either an 18-inch or 
24-inch monitor, and the researchers found that people using the 24-inch 
screen completed the tasks 52% faster than people who used the 18-inch 
monitor; people who used the two 20-inch monitors were 44% faster than 
those with the 18-inch ones. There is an upper limit, however: 
Productivity dropped off again when people used a 26-inch screen."

    * Make the Most of Your Dual Monitors
      (Life Hacker)
    * Bigger Computer Monitors = More Productivity
      (Wall Street Journal)
    * Return of the 'bigger is better' argument
      (Tech Radar)
    * Size matters, when it comes to screens

*2. Playing nicely together: Yahoo, Google, & MySpace working on 
OpenSocial project*
Online interaction is more productive, and let's face it, more FUN when 
you can EASILY interact with your friends and colleagues across multiple 
social websites.
OpenSocial is setting the standard for all of the existing and future 
social networking sites so they can all play nicely together.

    * Yahoo, Google, MySpace form nonprofit OpenSocial Foundation
    * Yahoo Joins 'OpenSocial' Initiative
      <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120645799636362569.html> (Wall
      Street Journal)
    * Yahoo supports Google social network applications
      <http://www.reuters.com/article/PBLSHG/idUSWNAS585020080325> (Reuters)
    * Facebook says no to OpenSocial, yes to taking your money

*3. Speaking of standardizing applications, OverDrive seems to be 
working overtime.  Bring on the iPods!*

    * OverDrive Breaks the iPod Barrier for Downloadable Audio
      (Library Journal)
    * The Walls Continue to Fall Down
      (Stephen's Lighthouse)
    * .Epub boost: 'OverDrive announces global support for new e-book
    * OverDrive to Distribute MP3 Audiobooks to Booksellers and

*4. What's that LibraryThing?*
The 4Cast has briefly touched on LibraryThing 
<http://www.librarything.com/> in the past, but it's prominently making 
library news once again now that Tim "Metadata Man" Spalding has been 
named as one of the LJ "Movers and Shakers".

    * Web Sites Let Bibliophiles Share Books Virtually
      <http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88514715> (NPR)
    * Twenty-five million books!
    * Google Book Search API: LibraryThing and libraries grab it right
    * LibraryThing Local Connects Authors, Venues and Readers
      <http://mashable.com/2008/03/03/librarything-local/> (Mashable)

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