[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #144: 4 ways to create a good user experience

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Sep 16 14:53:05 EDT 2009

*OPLIN 4Cast #144:
4 ways to create a good user experience
*September 16, 2009

  /4casting technologies that could have an impact on public libraries.
  Tell us what you think of the new format!  <mailto:galvinbo at oplin.org>/

What makes a good library website?  The OPLIN staff had a chance to 
think of the options as we recently created the OPLIN Annual Report to 
Stakeholders <http://oplin.org/annual2009>.  Is it simply about the 
usability, or is it about the experience users have when they are 
there?  We knew it wasn't about the layout, color scheme or the Drupal 
software.  It's about creating a website /we/ would want to visit.

Here are some ways to make your library website THE place to be.

    * What is a "real-time library
      <http://acrlog.org/2009/08/25/the-real-time-library/>?"  Does that
      mean re-creating the in-person library experience?  Does it mean
      the website is interactive?  Does it have to do with how web
      social the library is?  All of the above!

    * In the article "Ten Things to Think about when Designing Digital
      David Lee King explains that a digital library presence should
      allow patrons to connect with people, not just the hardware and

    * How many e-mails leave your library each day?  From overdue
      notices to newsletters, patrons receive correspondence from you on
      a regular basis.  Here is one experience we may want to emulate:
      the PERSONAL response.  Posted by HeleneB, here is "A little
      lesson from Pandora

    * Your website statistics will show you what your patrons want. 
      View them and pay attention to them.  In this article, "The Most
      Popular Search Term at the Library is...
      the NY Public Library discovered exactly what their customers were
      looking for and most certainly made changes that the customers

If the goal is to stimulate learning and creativity, should it be 
limited to inside your walls?  Give 'em what they want -- /a good 
experience/ -- in person and online.

The /*OPLIN 4cast*/ is a weekly compilation of recent headlines, topics, 
and trends that could impact public libraries. You can subscribe to it 
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Bobbi Galvin
OPLIN Customer Relations & Support
P: 1-888-966-7546

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