[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #190: Digital Romance?

Editor editor at oplin.org
Wed Aug 11 11:50:58 EDT 2010

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OPLIN 4Cast #190: Digital Romance?
August 11th, 2010

clip art from Florida Center for Instructional Technology, 
of Monday, Dorchester Publishing 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorchester_Publishing>, which claims to be 
the oldest independent mass market publisher in America and is known as 
a romance publisher, switched away from traditional print publishing to 
only e-books or print-on-demand. Is this a harbinger of things to come?

    * Dorchester drops mass market publishing for E-Book/POD model
      (Publishers Weekly, August 6) "President John Prebich said after
      retail sales fell by 25% in 2009, the company knew that 2010
      'would be a defining year,' but rather than show improvement,
      'sales have been worse.' While returns are down, the company has
      had a difficult time getting its titles into stores as shelf space
      for mass market has been reduced."
    * Paperback publisher goes all digital
      (Wall Street Journal, August 6) "Romance fans in particular have
      already embraced e-books, in part because customers can read them
      in public without having to display the covers. In addition, type
      size is easily adjusted on e-readers, making titles published in
      the mass paperback format easier to read for older customers."
    * The 'vanity' press goes digital
      (Wall Street Journal, June 3) "Much as blogs have bitten into the
      news business and YouTube has challenged television, digital
      self-publishing is creating a powerful new niche in books that's
      threatening the traditional industry. Once derided as 'vanity'
      titles by the publishing establishment, self-published books
      suddenly are able to thrive by circumventing the establishment."
    * Authors do what?
      (Smart Bitches Trashy Books/SB Sarah) "But the real matter at
      hand, aside from placing bets in the death pool as to whether
      Dorchester is circling the drain or has bought itself some time,
      is what do you think authors with print books formerly scheduled
      to come out this fall should do to shift their marketing and
      promotional plans as new digital-only authors?"

*/Libraries do what?/*

If you're wondering how to add Dorchester titles to your library print 
collection now, they have signed a deal with Ingram Publisher Service to 
do print-on-demand copies for selected titles.
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