[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #192: Is the Web Dead?

Editor editor at oplin.org
Wed Aug 25 12:26:16 EDT 2010

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OPLIN 4Cast #192: Is the Web Dead?
August 25th, 2010

week, Wired magazine ran a pair of articles by Chris 
Anderson (who wrote /The Long Tail/) and well-known 
journalist Michael Wolff under the heading "The Web Is Dead: 
Long Live the Internet." Predictably, this provoked a lot of 
response from technology journalists. Why does it matter to 
libraries? Well, it might be something to consider as you 
decided whether to devote precious resources to a "killer" 
library website as opposed to a "killer" library app.

    * Dead. Blame us
      (Wired/Chris Anderson) "Over the past few years, one
      of the most important shifts in the digital world has
      been the move from the wide-open Web to semiclosed
      platforms that use the Internet for transport but not
      the browser for display. It's driven primarily by the
      rise of the iPhone model of mobile computing, and it's
      a world Google can't crawl, one where HTML doesn't rule."
    * Data
      (Cisco Visual Networking Index) This is the data-laden
      report that supplied much of the information used by
      Wired magazine. The executive summary is full of
      interesting projections.
    * Dead? Doesn't look that way
      (New York Times/Nick Bilton) "Although Wired might be
      right in its assessment that apps are on the rise,
      with billions downloaded from Apple alone, many areas
      of the Web continue to grow dramatically too."
    * Not dead, just evolving
      (GigaOM/Mathew Ingram) "We now have applications for
      maps, applications for photos, applications for
      reading books, and apps for video and location-based
      'check ins' and dozens of other things. That doesn't
      mean the web is dead; it means that the web, and the
      way we use it, is evolving. Instead of wandering
      around on the web looking for interesting websites by
      using services such as Yahoo or AOL, we're using
      task-specific devices in a sense."

*/Sobering Fact:/*

>From the Cisco Visual Networking Index: "It would take over 
two years to watch the amount of video that will cross 
global IP networks every second in 2014."
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