[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #608: Paying high-speed prices for slow broadband

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OPLIN 4Cast #608: Paying high-speed prices for slow broadband
August 22nd, 2018

[image: snails and computer cord concept of slow internet] When it comes to
digital equity, "Net Neutrality" gets most of the headlines, with some
secondary attention paid to the Lifeline program
-- telephone and internet subsidies for people near or below the poverty
line. A white paper
<https://www.digitalinclusion.org/blog/2018/07/31/tier-flattening/> from
the National Digital Inclusion Alliance <https://www.digitalinclusion.org/>
has drawn attention to another lever in the digital divide, a practice NDIA
calls "tier flattening": increasingly, internet access costs the same,
whether you're on rural dial-up speeds or urban municipal fiber. While it
comes as no surprise that providers build infrastructure where they stand a
better chance of selling services, commentators question whether people
trapped with fewer, slower options should have to pay the same for a
fraction of the speed.

   - Slow internet? Fast internet? You might be paying the same price
    [*Marketplace*] "The National Digital Inclusion Alliance found that
   lots of customers are paying about $60 a month for their internet packages.
   Some get super slow internet speeds, while others get super fast speeds."
   - Are AT&T and Verizon fleecing rural America?
   [*CNET*] "A large majority of these unconnected or underconnected
   Americans live in rural areas where it's expensive to build infrastructure
   and deliver service. The situation also happens to be in parts of the
   country where there's little if any competition. And that seems to be a
   better predictor of whether the networks have been upgraded to higher
   - $50 a month for 1Mbps: How AT&T and Verizon rip off DSL customers
    [*Ars Technica*] "AT&T didn't dispute any of the specific prices from
   the NDIA report but called it 'misleading'... 'Attempting to assess
   Internet service offerings by only looking at standard rates does not give
   a complete picture; the Internet service market is more competitive than
   ever and most customers make their purchases at bundled and discounted
   - Now that telcos have "abandoned rural America," the only broadband
   comes from cable monopolies
   <https://boingboing.net/2018/08/01/immortan-joe-isp.html> [*Boing Boing*]
   "You know what's worse than shopping for your ISP in a market served by a
   cable/telco duopoly? Getting your internet from a cable monopolist who
   faces no competition at all."

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - Martin, Crystle. "A Library's Role in Digital Equity
   ." *Young Adult Library Services*, vol. 14, no. 4, Summer2016, pp. 34-36.
   - Hamaker, Christian. "Rural Broadband: Tempest or Tranquility?
   " *Rural Telecom*, vol. 37, no. 2, Spring2018, p. 6.
   - Duvail, Zippy. "Time to Get Rural America up to Speed with Broadband
   ." *Texas Agriculture Magazine*, vol. 33, no. 6, 20 Oct. 2017, p. 2.

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