[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #643: Can technology resurrect Notre Dame from the ashes?

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OPLIN 4Cast #643: Can technology resurrect Notre Dame from the ashes?
April 24th, 2019

[image: Ashes and ember] The fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris last
week stunned and devastated many people around the world. I know that I was
among millions watching, bewildered, as the spire toppled and the rest of
the building suffered significant damage. I wondered, as I suspect many
others did, "How could this happen in the 21st century?"

While the modern era wasn't able to totally save the cathedral, it will be
able to use its immense technological resources to rebuild it. In fact,
technology will likely play a very large role in its reconstruction...and
in some unexpected ways.

   - Can ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Help Rebuild Notre Dame?
   [ArtNet News] "In the wake of the disaster, there has been much talk about
   how digital technologies could aid the reconstruction effort. One
   unorthodox idea is that models made for the 2014 video game “Assassin’s
   Creed Unity,” which is set in Paris during the French Revolution, could
   prove useful to conservationists. The game’s artist Caroline Miousse spent
   more than a year making a detailed recreation of the cathedral. "
   - 3D mapping of Notre Dame will help restoration
   World] "But the information to restore the cathedral is abundant. Besides
   photos, in 2015 art historian Andrew Tallon used laser scanners to create
   an immaculately accurate model of the cathedral, as reported in this
   National Geographic feature. "
   - How Reality Capture technology could help rebuild Notre Dame
   [CBS] "Since the technology was used on Notre Dame, they say it means we
   now have incredible amounts of data concerning every architectural detail
   of the structure before the fire; highly accurate measurements of every
   detail inside the cathedral, including all the interior wooden structures
   that were lost in the fire. This includes the beams, the roofs, even the
   pews. "
   - Craftsmen built Notre Dame, now it’s up to hi-tech robots and Chinese
   drones to save it. How will they pull it off?
   [South China Morning Post] "One way to start, the experts said, will be to
   bring in other drones to survey locations inside the vast cathedral that
   are too dangerous or damaged for engineers to reach. "

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - The Notre Dame Fire Put Priceless Art and Artifacts at Risk. Here's
   What Survived — and What Didn't
   Gajanan, M. (2019). The Notre Dame Fire Put Priceless Art and Artifacts at
   Risk. Here’s What Survived — and What Didn’t. *Time.Com*, N.PAG. )
   - Notre Dame Fire Donations Near $1 Billion As Cathedral Considers First
   Reconstruction Steps
   ( Viscusi, G., & Bloomberg. (2019). Notre Dame Fire Donations Near $1
   Billion As Cathedral Considers First Reconstruction Steps. *Fortune.Com*,
   N.PAG. )
   ( LONGMAN, J. (2019). Out of the Ashes. *Nightline (ABC)*, 1. )

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