[OPLINLIST] Children's Librarians program coming this week to SOLO

Terry Mullins, SOLO mullinte@oplin.org
Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:54:49 -0400

Debbie Clement Presents
When: 8/29/2003
>From 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Newark Public Library, 101 W. Main St., Newark, OH

Speaker: Debbie Clement, Rainbows Within Reach

DESCRIPTION:  Debbie Clement uses song, rhythm, rhyme and chant to enhance
children's self esteem and strenthen reading readiness skills.  Her
techniques engage early and slow readers through the motivating powers of
music and are appealing to everyone.

AUDIENCE:  Anyone working with youth, ages preschool to grade 3

BROWN BAG WORKING LUNCH!  Bring your brown bag lunch and participate in a Q
& A and discussion session with Debbie.

For additional information on Debbie Clement's programs, visit:
www.rainbowswithinreach.com   Debbie will have CDs on hand for purchase.
Library POs and personal checks are welcome.

Register on the SOLO CE Mall at:  http://cemall.solorls.org/event.asp?ID=508

For more information, contact:

Terry Mullins
Executive Director
SOLO Regional Library System
40774 State Route 821
Caldwell, OH 43274
phone:  740-783-SOLO
fax:    740-783-0403
cell:   740-336-0059
e-mail:  mullinte@oplin.org