[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 07:53:52 -0500

What's New on NetWellness- November 3, 2003

Feature of the Month: Obesity and Weight Management

Approximately 2/3 of American adults and 9 million children and adolescents
between the ages of 6 and 19 are either overweight or obese.  Overweight and
obesity have become the fastest growing epidemics affecting Americans today.
This serious health issue requires honest, reliable answers to your
questions. Our experts in Obesity/Weight Management from The Ohio State
University and the University of Cincinnati are available to fill this need.

Feature Department: Urology

The faculty of the Department of Urology at Case Western Reserve University
and University Hospitals of Cleveland are involved with education, clinical
care, and research. Under the current leadership of Martin Resnick, MD, a
NetWellness expert since 1999, the Department has ten full time and two
research faculty members.  Areas of expertise include; urologic oncology;
female urology and incontinence; infertility; neurogenic disorders of the
bladder; stone disease; laparoscopy; benign enlargement of the prostate;
erectile dysfunction; and pediatric urology. Members of the Department of
Urology provide their expertise to NetWellness in the health topic areas of
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence), Incontinence, Prostate Cancer, Urinary
Tract Cancers, and Urinary Tract Disorders. 

U.S. News & World Report Rates NetWellness Partners Exceptional
The state of Ohio is home to three premiere medical centers, according to
the 2002 U.S. News & World Report's "best hospitals" report. NetWellness's
partner university medical centers were highly ranked in many specialty
areas, including the following specialties that contribute to NetWellness: 
* UC College of Medicine and its affiliates, University Hospital and
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, ranked 8th in pediatrics,
20th in ear, nose and throat, 47th  in respiratory disorders, and 45th in
hormonal disorders. 
* CWRU School of Medicine and its affiliates, University Hospitals of
Cleveland and Rainbow Babies & Childrens Hospital, ranked 14th in
geriatrics, 35th in urology, 33rd in digestive disorders, 34th ear, nose and
throat, 42nd in gynecology, 20th in heart and heart surgery, 23rd in
hormonal disorders, 46th in kidney disease, 22nd in neurology and
neurosurgery, 21st in orthopedics, 6th in pediatrics, 20th in respiratory
disorders, 22nd in rheumatology, and 14th in cancer. 
* The OSU Medical Center ranked 27th in ear, nose and throat, 35th in
hormonal disorders, 39th in kidney disease, 28th in psychiatry, and 10th in

Many of the faculty who have made these medical centers exceptional also
contribute their expertise to NetWellness by answering questions in Ask an
Expert. The links above list those faculty who generously volunteer their
time and expertise to answer questions posed by NetWellness visitors.
Search Engine Update

We recently updated the NetWellness search engine to make it easier for you
to find the information you need on our site. Search results now display
NetWellness articles and Ask an Expert responses, ADAM encyclopedia
articles, and external web links separately and display the top 5 results
for each area. We hope this will provide you more accurate results that are
easier to view.  Check it out and let us know how we can make it better. 

Let Us Know How We're Doing

We are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we do well? What
can we do to better fit your needs? Please send your comments through our
"Feedback" feature and we'll get them into the right hands. Thanks again for
using NetWellness!

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty at
the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio
State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of the first
health sites on the Internet.